Custom Marvel vs Capcom 2
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Custom MvC2 Home

Welcome to the custom MvC2 home page. This version is for Capcom's 2024 "Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Collection" pack. All games (XMvSF, MSHvSF, MvC1, MvC2, etc) use the same basic logic. This guide will focus on MvC2, but the logic would be the same for other games. The Collection uses the same internal files across Steam, PS4, and Switch (and presumably eventually Xbox), so the logic should be the same: I'll just call everything the "Steam" version for simplicity. If you have multiple installs of the game or multiple copies of your extracted ROMs, be sure to know which is which: it's easy to lose track of what you're changing if you're not careful. The Capcom Fighting Collection also uses ARC storage, so the ARC-related steps will be generally applicable. The Street Fighter 30th Anniversary pack uses mBundle files instead, so these steps are not relevant for that.

Please note: these instructions are very freshly written and refer to a just-released game. You will of course be saving the original file before starting so that you can restore in the case of any problems. This methodology uses patching: it is quite likely that using a mod loader will be more sustainable, once we have time to do that. If you have problems with anything, restore your backup .ARC and you're good to go again. If the game is patched, you'll need to reapply your changes. So make sure to save copies of your work here and there. Oorrrrr be prepared to potentially need to redo it.

These instructions will use the following tools:
  • FluffyQuack's ARCtool we will use a special package of this for dealing with game packaging
  • Audacity (not Muse, just Audacity): for creating OGG files to update the game music
  • GoldWave: for editing the sound effects
  • HxD or any hex editor: for making required tweaks to the sound effects
  • Kuriimu2: We will use a special version of this for TEX texture files
  • PalMod: for palette mods
Note that we'll be using Hikari's ZIP of ARCtool: (updated 10/16/2024) this is that version plus one key BAT file that will automate usage for us. If you are using Steam Deck, note that the Windows-based BAT file in there will not work for you. So either make these changes on PC and copy to Steam Deck, or use ArcTool by hand: it's pretty easy.

If you just want to change music, you can skip to Convert Songs and that will be all you need to do.

These instructions presume that you are using the Steam version. However, the same basic logic applies to all platforms (PS4, Switch), so as long as you can get file system access you can follow these steps.

Remember to back everything up!

To get prepared, you should have purchased and installed the Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Collection. Once you have done that, the files we care about will be installed to your Steam folder. This path will be something like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection
OK, now that you have the game and you know where the files are, let's get started!

Hit Preppy up at Twitter (zachdms) if you notice anything broken. If you need help - or want to share your work! - the MvC2 Custom Mix group on Facebook is great.
