How to Get and Play MvC2
A basic guide on how to get started.
=> I want to learn the game
To learn the game, read the Marvel 101 Guide. Once you've devoured all of that great info, read the ancient but classic and useful FAQs/guides at GameFAQs first, then look at the Shoryuken/SuperCombo Wiki, then graduate to the Shoryuken/SuperCombo MvC2 forums which are archived but still have a ton of knowledge strewn about. There is a LOT of information spread around everywhere. The Marvel 101 Guide is where you want to start.
For further help for advanced questions that those resources don't answer, there's currently (as of 2024) three useful places to go:
- The MvC2 Discord. You can find links to it here. This is a group of people who like the game, are looking for games, and can usually answer good questions. Do your homework first.
- The MvC2 facebook group. This is mostly for experienced fans of the game to talk about upcoming tournaments and random stuff.
- The MvC2 subreddit. Low traffic, but reddit is easy to work with.
Please don't waste people's time by not looking stuff up first. It's a great idea to lurk for a while first. Remember that this game is over 20 years old! Almost everything has been written down somewhere: start reading and get great.
The best American controller was the MAS Systems controller which used HAPP parts. Tragically, the creators from the Nguyen family are no longer with us, but SCANLINE CITY worked with their children and are now producing current generation MAS sticks. (Also check out the great The Legacy of MAS video.) The MAS form factor is really good. Japanese players often used Hori sticks which seem to be a little better for technical play. Iron Man players seem to be better on pad.
If you need a stick adapter the only important name is Brook Converters. They can adapt pretty much any stick for anything: the hardest part is just figuring out which adapter you need.
Marvel was traditionally played on a CRT TV on Dreamcast. Having a CRT just for Marvel isn't really feasible for most people. If you're playing on Dreamcast, consider getting the Black Dog Technology's DC-HDMI mod. The classic Evo monitor was the ASUS VH236H monitor in game mode, which had a crazy-good 2ms response rate. That's the gold standard: if you can get anything under 16ms you're probably not going to be able to notice. There's a long discussion on SRK of low-lag TV/monitors, the abandoned-as-of-2019 site, and if you're hard-core you can get your own lag testing device ( review here). There is a fairly up-to-date display lag database here, but it's in Korean - Google Translate if you need it.
The classic tournament rules are: Turbo 1 speed, default damage and timer, best 2 out of 3 (until the Finals), you must keep the same team if you win, and no game-breaking or game-stalling glitches (such as dead-body infinites or infinite y-boost tricks). Some tournaments use best 3 out of 5 so people don't get randomed out, but you're supposed to be good enough to not get randomed out. Some places use altered damage settings, but that badly distorts the game - either elevating heavy hitters or making them useless in favor of infinite-based characters. Nobody uses Turbo 2.
=> I want to play on PC (via Steam)
=> I want to play on Playstation 4 (PS4) or Nintendo Switch
=> I want to play on Playstation 3
- Game on an actual PS3: These days you should just get a PS3 Slim and jailbreak it. (There's also a MvC2-specific guide here, but it's a little out of date.) Then you sideload the game - download the game ISO / PKG from US PSN Marvel vs Capcom 2 PKG. (If that doesn't work for you, it's also at - get the US or EU version depending upon where you live.) Once you have that PKG, copy it to your PS3 via USB: there are tutorials on YouTube for that if you need help. Do not skip any recommended steps. Do not skip any patches you are told to use. Account and console bans are possible, so go slowly and make sure you follow every recommended step. Using an alt account for this is a good idea. Don't play "premiere" titles on a jailbroken PS3. Keep it to MvC2 and you're likely good.
- If you're instead using CFW, which requires a compatible PS3, then you need ReactPSN.
- Figure out what version of PSN firmware you have. This is important.
- Follow this video presuming you are using firmware version 4.91. If you're using something more recently, check for an updated version of the guide: it'll be out shortly.
- After you've finished that video and installed CFW, DO NOT GO ONLINE UNTIL YOU HAVE PSN PATCH INSTALLED.
You can get the PSN Patch here: PSN Patch link. (Whenever you'd like to sign into PSN and go online, make sure to open PSN Patch and hold X until your console beeps, you only need to do this once per boot.)
- Now install the official MvC2 PKG/ISO.
- After that, follow this video to setup ReActPSN (the program needed to activate your game).
- Once you've watched the video and have ReActPSN setup, run it and hold O (CIRCLE) until your console reboots. That should have activated your game and removed the trial screen.
- Always use PSN Patch before going online so you don't get banned.
- Have fun!
- If you're using HEN, have fun. Do not use ReactPSN or PSN Patch on HEN: they'll crash.
- Game on PS3 emulation: Follow the "Setting up RPCS3" guide and then play on the custom network it uses. Note that you cannot use this to play against people using real PS3 systems or on the actual PSN. You will be using RSN (video shows setup steps).
- Controllers: Either get a MadCatz stick (preferably a TE), a Hori EX4 stick, or order a MAS stick (available "soon" from SCANLINE CITY).
- Differences: The list of PSN/XBLA bugs can be found here. Most notably the Cyclops and Chun Li infinites have very different timing in the port. The PSN/XBLA game is based upon the Dreamcast Japanese source code, which means it has things like Guile's froze flash kicks glitch.
- Can I get a gameshare?: Sadly, fuck no. You're eight years late. Way way back in 2014, people had to start using and begging for game shares: writeup of what you need to do. Sony lowered the number of game shares available which meant that people ran out very quickly. Nobody has any game shares left: please don't ask. We want you to be able to play the game: the way to do that is via jailbreaking. Sorry. :\
=> I want to play on PC
- Preferred/most popular: NAOMI (MvC2 arcade) emulation with Fightcade 2. This is a pretty useful front-end to the Flycast emulator.
- Get Fightcade 2 and the Fightcade JSON (for downloading stuff you need). If you don't install the Fightcade JSON pack, you won't have the game ROM: you can alternatively get it from installing the "Fightcade JSON" so Fightcade knows where to download ROMs from.
- (A useful reference is silentscope88's CvS2 tutorial video, except do it for MvC2.)
- Click Test Game, click Settings. Go to Controls. Select the Device you want to use and click "Map" to map your inputs. Check "Arcade button names". Now map your inputs: Flycast's A/Button 1 is Light Punch, B/Button 2 is Fierce Punch, X/Button 3 is Assist One, Y/Button 4 is Light Kick, Right Dpad Up/Button 5 is Roundhouse Kick, and Right DPad Down/Button 6 is Assist Two.
- Training Mode is available on the Dreamcast-version only. It is not available on the NAOMI/Arcade version: switch to Dreamcast when you want to dojo up your game.
- You should be good to play now.
- Flycast Dojo with GGPO (beta). This is a brand-new update to the Flycast emulator that adds in GGPO-based rollback for better games online.
- NAOMI (MvC2 arcade) emulation with NullDC BEAR. It has also Dreamcast emulation, but that's generally only used for training mode.
- There is a guide on the download page for Bear: follow it!
- For Dreamcast (which has the critical Training Mode that you should dojo in), you want "MvC2 (Fixed)". The other version had a bug where in arcade mode the Noon Day Desert Stage would crash the game.
- For Arcade, you want "MvC2 (Unlocked)". This version has all the characters and stages unlocked.
- There is also the old 2020 the FGC Arcadia NullDC Guide, RossenX's 2020 video tutorial, Dr Fatbody's tutorial, and Filth's 2024 tutorial, but the guide on the actual NullDC BEAR page is all you really need.
- Dreamcast emulation with DeMul:
- Get DeMul.
- Configure DeMul per this video guide. DeMul installs as unconfigured: you cannot skip this step.
- Download "" from I don't know where.
- Go to Config :: GD-ROM to point DeMul to your CDi.
- You may want to use Yoshi's MvC2 Trainer Script: that allows you see hitboxes, which is amazing.
=> I want to play on Dreamcast
- Console: Get a Dreamcast from eBay. $20-$50. Get a memory card so you can unlock the characters. If you want to use an LCD, get or install the DC-HDMI upgrade kit. People have been using the BenQ RL2460 as their LCD of choice.
- Getting the Game for Dreamcast: You can either buy a copy or burn your own.
- Buy: Get Marvel vs Capcom 2 from eBay.
- Burn: Follow the info here. If you want to burn a mix somebody else created, there are some great choices in these places:
- Controllers: Ugh, this is a problem.
- Stock: You can play on the stock Dreamcast pad. This is kind of a pain in the ass, but was the classic choice for a lot of people who didn't have sticks.
- MAS!!!!: MAS sticks were the Cadillac of American sticks. You could get them from MASSystems as late as 2018 on an unreliable basis, but they're now officially retired. Get your stick with Perfect 360 (p360) optical sticks (they're very much worth it), and convex (Japanese-style) buttons. MASSystems was run out of a home. Calling MAS Systems was for a long time the only reliable way to get one.
- Green Goblin: The HKT-7300, known as the Green Goblin, was always the cheaper option but is really solid. Done in a Japanese style, it was a favorite of Japanese players.
- Use your existing PS3/PS4 stick: You will need a Brook PS3/4 to Dreamcast adapter, which you should be able to find on Play-Asia or on eBay. If you want to use an Xbox 360/Xbox One stick, get an additional Xbox 360/One to PS3/PS4 adapter and daisy-chain them.
- Unlock the characters: Hopefully you burned your image using the new improved selfboot. If you use that, that unlocks all the characters right away, fixes random stage select to use all the stages, and defaults the game to Turbo. If you didn't do that you can start unlocking the characters yourself (prepare to leave the console in the training room overnight) or borrow and copy a memory card from a friend. Or you can use the GameShark: US unlock codes, Japanese unlock codes. Or download the data to the memory card using DC VMU tools.
=> I want to play on Xbox 360
- Game: You're out of luck. Find a time machine and go back to time to get it via the marketplace back then. You don't want a bootleg console because you'll be banned (unlike on PS3). Gameshares are not a meaningful thing on Xbox. People bought up all "loose" accounts with MvC2 on them over 10 years ago. Note that the Xbox MvC2 physical copies on eBay are for the Xbox OG version, not the Xbox 360 version. Don't get tricked.
- Controllers: Either get a MadCatz stick (preferably a TE), a Hori EX4 stick, or order a MAS stick.
- Differences: The list of PSN/XBLA bugs can be found here. Most notably the Cyclops and Chun Li infinites are broken in the port.
=> I want to play on OG Xbox or PS2
Browse eBay. But nobody plays on those systems, and they don't have online play.