Transcript for NKI Volume XII - Super Turbo By: NKI This document should be viewed using a monospace font. Otherwise, formatting will be erratic. >-----------------< Table of Contents >-----------------< -Version History -Legend -Preface -Combos and Glitches -Thanks and Credits >---------------< Version History >---------------< Version 1.3 - minor formatting cleanup Version 1.2 - corrected the details of O.Gief's magic throw Version 1.1 - clarified the wording on O.Honda vs. Blanka Version 1.0 - first published draft >------< Legend >------< Jab = quick punch Strong = medium punch Fierce = hard punch Short = quick kick Forward = medium kick RH = Roundhouse = hard kick HK = Hurricane Kick QCF = Quarter Circle Forward (fireball motion) cr. = crouching (example: cr.Jab means hold down while hitting Jab) st. = standing j. = jumping xx = canceled into (example: st.Fierce xx Shoryuken) -> = chained into (example: cr.Jab -> cr.Jab) >-------< Preface >-------< This is a tool-assisted video, meaning that these clips were recorded using an emulator, save states, and programmable macros. Absolutely no game-altering cheats or hacks were used, and everything in this video is technically possible on arcade hardware. >-------------------< Combos and Glitches >-------------------< - Claw vs. Hawk - Every character has "vulnerable" hitboxes that determine where they can be hit, and also a separate "throwable" hitbox that determines the distance from which they can be thrown. For the most part, the throwable hitbox lines up with the character's sprites, such that throw ranges generally make sense. However, there are certain moves (usually ones with a lot of horizontal motion) where the character's throwable hitbox gets left behind for a brief moment. As a result, the character can momentarily be thrown from much farther away than you would think. This is most dramatic with Sagat's super, Honda's cr.RH, Ken's QCF+kick into overhead, Dhalsim's far st.RH, and Claw's roll. Credit: Bob Sagat (see ) - Ken vs. Guile - The combo is: cross-up neutral j.RH, backwards cr.Fierce xx QCD+kick (2 hits), cr.Jab x4 -> j.Fierce xx air HK. The notorious randomness of ST makes this combo extremely difficult to pull off, even when using save states and scripting a macro frame by frame. The first trouble spot is the neutral j.RH into backwards cr.Fierce. The pixel-perfect spacing for the neutral j.RH and the frame-perfect timing of the backwards cr.Fierce both require random luck that seems to depend on what frame you started Ken's jump. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, even using the exact same macro every time. The second, bigger trouble spot is the cr.Jabs. Many elements of ST are random, including how quickly you can chain together cr.Jabs. The fastest is 12 frames, but sometimes it's more than that. For example, sometimes the fastest possible cr.Jab -> cr.Jab is 13, or even 14 frames. For this combo to work, three out of four cr.Jabs have to be chained together in 12 frames. The fourth cr.Jab can be up to 13 frames. My first attempt at this combo took many hours before I finally got it. But then upon re-watching it, I realized I wasn't happy with it because Ken is partially off-screen for the beginning of the combo. I wanted him to be totally visible, so I attempted to recreate the combo away from the corner. After spending a week on it (probably more than 20 hours total), I simply gave up. I got very close many times, but either the Jabs wouldn't chain fast enough, or Guile would die too soon, or get dizzied, and I was never able to recreate this combo. - Boxer vs. Honda - When characters are recovering in the air (after being released from a grab, or after being hit out of the air) and they hit the corner, they will "stick" to the corner for a brief moment. Because Honda is so wide, this sticking effect happens even when airborne Honda is recovering away from the corner, such as being released from Boxer's headbutt grab when Boxer is in the corner. This allows Boxer to set up a juicy cross-up backwards meaty cr.Forward, followed by st.Forward, cr.Strong xx straight punch rush, (dizzy), then cr.Jab -> j.Short for the kill. Credit: Abdel (see: ) - Fei Long vs. Zangief - Gief jumps straight up as Fei walks under him and does backwards Short Chicken Wing into the corner. The first hit of the Chicken Wing catches Gief in pre-jump animation, which causes the second hit to launch Gief into the air. Fei lands and juggles with another Short Chicken Wing (1 hit) out of the corner, then recovers in time for a third Short Chicken Wing juggle (1 hit) for the kill. Note that on the last Chicken Wing, you can hear the sound of Gief hitting the ground, but he is still vulnerable to juggles. - Ken vs. Guile - At point blank range vs. Guile, Ken's [crazy kick (QCF+kick) canceled into itself, then into overhead] will cause Ken to visually switch sides with Guile, but both characters will be facing the wrong way. As long as Guile doesn't move left or right, Ken will "teleport" back to the original side after his overhead. This allows Guile to set up the meaty cr.Forward, st.Fierce. The follow-up combo [cross-up j.Short, st.Fierce xx super] does not require any advanced charge direction switching, because Guile's super only requires the motion [charge straight down, towards, back, up+kick]. Credit: djfrijoles (see: ) - Hawk vs. Gief - Gief dizzies Hawk and goes in for the kill with a 360+kick, but Hawk recovers with a reversal 720 out of dizzy. If you pause the video, you can see that Hawk still has stars over his head from the dizzy, even during the freeze-frame of the super. Normally if you do a reversal out of dizzy, your character retains the dizzy icons (stars, birds, reapers, or whatever) for only the first frame of the reversal, but if that reversal is a super, then your character retains the dizzy icons throughout the entire freeze-frame. - Ryu vs. Ryu - There are three separate things going on in this clip. The first thing is the same-color glitch: 1P chooses Akuma, loses to the CPU, 2P enters during 1P's continue screen, at the character select screen 1P presses start to continue, then (without moving the cursor) lets time run out to select his character. 2P can move the cursor at any time, and can hit Jab to choose Ryu, or just let time run out while the cursor is on Ryu. From there on out, 1P's portrait (at the character select screen, at the versus screen, at the continue screen, at the CPU "Next Fighter" screen) will always be Akuma, even though 1P's actual character is Jab color Ryu. 2P is also able to select Jab color Ryu because the game uses portrait color (not actual character color) to determine if a color is currently being used. The second thing is Ryu's ability to safely throw fireballs against another Ryu who has super meter. If 1P Ryu throws a regular fireball and 2P Ryu attempts to punish with super, sometimes the whole super connects, and sometimes the super uncombos after the first hit. It seems to be random, but it is somehow related to the number of times (or perhaps how recently) Ryu has been hit. I heard that it flip-flops between uncombo and full combo every time Ryu gets hit, but in my testing this was not always the case. The third thing is the awkwardness of the continue screen on a double KO. Both 1P and 2P have their own countdown timer at the top of the screen. However, the big countdown timer is controlled only by 1P. So if 1P mashes buttons to rush the big countdown timer to down zero, but 2P patiently waits for the timer countdown naturally, the big countdown timer sits at zero for an exceptionally long time before you finally get the Game Over screen. - Ken vs. Hawk - The first combo [j.Fierce xx 3-hit air HK, land, instant air HK] requires fairly tight spacing and timing. The second combo [5-hit air HK, cr.Short xx super] requires frame-specific timing and pixel-perfect spacing. It also requires that you start the combo on a specific frame of Hawk's dizzy animation (not when he's leaning forward or backward, but when he is standing upright, at his tallest frame). - Guile vs. Blanka - In order for this combo to work, Blanka has to recover from the dizzy and duck. Guile is able to charge the Sonic Boom by switching charge direction midway through the combo (when he crosses sides). That is, Guile starts charging left, then switches to charging right. - Hawk vs. Boxer - Boxer whiffs a kick rush right in front of Hawk's cr.Strong, then punishes the stray hitbox with cr.Fierce xx super (all from one charge). However, Boxer's super will uncombo from that range (even if the first hit connects), allowing Hawk to reversal 720. - Akuma vs. O.Gief - O.Gief's magic throw (reversal 360+Forward kick) still works in the Hispanic version and the World version of Super Turbo. It was removed from the Japanese version and USA version. - Cammy vs. Ken - Similar to the Guile vs. Ken setup earlier in the video, Ken temporarily switches sides by doing QCF+kick canceled into overhead, but then returns to the original side after recovering. His backwards Jab DP then loses cleanly to Cammy's backwards neutral j.Short, after which Cammy catches him with backwards st.Forward, cr.Short x5 kara canceled into super. - O.Sagat vs. Claw - Claw's far st.Fierce has one frame where his hitbox suddenly shifts massively forward, allowing him to st.Fierce cleanly through a RH Tiger Shot. It is only a one-frame window and thus not feasible in a real match. Likewise, the follow-up combo [j.RH, cr.Jab xx Flip Kick] is not very feasible in a real match because the charge timing is so tight. - Gief vs. Ken - This is a combination of three glitches: whiffed FAB, plus Ken's infinite QCF+kick cancel, plus hitting the opponent after time over (must hit them before they start their win/loss pose). - Chun vs. Ryu - Chun has the super stored before this clip even begins. She is able to keep the super stored throughout the whole clip because there is a huge leniency window (up to 10 frames, in my testing) where she can let go of towards, hit other directions such as down/back, then start holding towards again without losing the stored super. - Honda vs. Honda - Similar to the Boxer vs. Honda setup described earlier, 2P Honda "sticks" to the corner after being released from 1P Honda's Fierce throw, allowing for a juicy cross-up backwards meaty st.Strong, followed by another st.Strong, cr.Short xx super (last hit whiffs), then command grab, which kills and dizzies at the same time. - O.Sagat vs. Dhalsim - When getting up from a knockdown, Sagat is actually airborne for a few frames, allowing Dhalsim to slide under him for a cross-up meaty Forward slide into two-hit headbutt. The follow-up combo [j.Fierce, far st.Forward xx super] doesn't require any tricks, just very specific spacing and strict timing. Credit: Hakase (see: ) - O.Dictator vs. Chun - Similar to the reversal super bug for Ken/Dhalsim/Sagat, O.Dictator cannot do reversal Devil's Reverse (charge down, up+punch). Instead, he will get the last special move that he did. In this clip, O.Dictator last did a Fierce Psycho Crusher. He charges down/back, then presses up+back+Jab to get a reversal bug Fierce Psycho Crusher. The Psycho Crusher hits the corner and ends instantly, allowing him to follow up with towards+Fierce for another immediate Fierce Psycho Crusher. When Dictator has the opponent cornered, Fierce Psycho Crusher will either always cross-up (so that Dictator goes into the corner), or it will never cross-up, depending on who the opponent is and what side of the stage you're on. In this particular case (1P Dictator vs. 2P Chun, on 1P side of the stage), Fierce Psycho Crusher will never cross-up, so O.Dictator stays on the same side until the last repetition, when Chun jumps off the wall and out of the corner. Bob Sagat also independently discovered this trick, but neither of us was even aware that the other was working on a video. (see: ) - DeeJay vs. Claw - Due to Claw's extremely narrow hitbox, this combo barely connects, only by a frame or two. - Ken vs. Ken - Using the reversal super bug, if Ken's instant air HK trades with an attack, it forces Ken's Y-position (his vertical position on the screen) lower than it should be, such that his feet are lower on the screen than the opponent's feet. He returns to normal Y-position quite soon if the trade occurred mid-screen, but if Ken is in the corner, then he retains the glitched Y-position until he reaches neutral states. This means that you can keep the glitched Y-position forever if you let Ken do reversal fireball, hit him out of it, repeat. Because 2P Ken is lower than normal on the screen, 1P Ken is able to do a normal ground HK over the fireballs. If you watch in slow-mo during 2P Ken's super, he is so low to the ground that he practically falls off the screen for a few frames between the first and second uppercut. Credit: Bob Sagat (see ) - O.Gief vs. Ryu - Same as previously described: O.Gief's magic throw still works in the Hispanic version and the World version of Super Turbo. - Dictator vs. Guile - Guile is standing when Dic activates headstomp, but then Guile ducks before Dic gets to him, forcing Dic to fly overhead and totally miss the target. But then Guile foolishly sticks out a cr.Forward and gets bopped by the massive hitbox on the headstomp. Because Dic started the headstomp from the other side, both characters are facing the wrong way when the headstomp connects. The follow-up Skull Diver (hitting punch after the headstomp) has a wide hitbox that allows for cross-ups, if you can mange to steer Dic correctly. - Ken vs. Ryu - Just a lame gimmick: dealing 95% block damage, then killing with the "First Attack". - Dhalsim vs. Sagat - Repeated reversal super bug Tiger Shots. - Chun vs. Ken - Ken's super is not a true block string against Chun. Between the first uppercut and the second, Chun can get out with a Short Spinning Bird Kick, which hits Ken as he lands from the super. - Hawk vs. Ryu - Normally cr.Short -> j.Strong would leave Hawk standing on the ground; however, this "launcher" combo is possible because Ryu's cr.Short catches Hawk on the first frame of pre-jump animation, causing the next hit (j.Strong) to launch Hawk into the air, and allowing Ryu to then juggle with super. - Guile vs. Claw - Upon landing from the Maj jump, Claw sticks out a cr.Jab to get hit by Guile's backwards neutral st.Short. Guile then starts charging for the second Sonic Boom, which he kara cancels off a another neutral st.Short. - Ken vs. Gief - N.Ken (using O.Ken's color) continually cancels QCF+kick into itself to retain shadows and run away from Gief after whiffed FAB glitch. Gief finally catches up to him and grabs him with a walking 720. To play N.Ken using O.Ken's color, start a 1P game as O.Ken, lose to the CPU, then have 2P enter during the continue screen. When 2P gets to the character select screen, press start to continue, and your portrait will be O.Ken. Without moving the cursor and without hitting any buttons, let time run out on the character select screen, and you will get N.Ken with O.Ken's color. - O.Sagat vs. Chun - Chun cancels j.Fierce into wall jump, then does immediate headstomp for a 2-hit combo. This combo only works if Sagat is walking into the corner. - Ryu vs. O.Ryu - 1P Ryu throws a super fireball as he dies to 2P O.Ryu's regular fireball. 1P Ryu's super fireball would have done enough damage to kill 2P (if 2P hadn't already won the round), so it causes a super flash finish, even though 1P lost the round. To play as N.Ryu using O.Ryu's color, use the same glitch described above in the Ken vs. Gief section. - Dhalsim vs. Gief - This setup requires very specific positioning. Gief must start the whiffed FAB facing the right, so that at the end of the FAB, Gief bounces into the corner, while at the same time Dhalsim has to be in the corner so that he will hit the wall (shortening his recovery time) and get up as quickly as possible. - O.Sagat vs. Ken - Same concept as previously described in the Ken vs. Ken clip. O.Sagat normally cannot Tiger Knee over Ken's fireball, but Ken is sunken lower than normal because he traded hits when doing an instant air HK (reversal super bug). Ken maintains his glitched Y-position first by doing a reversal fireball (which O.Sagat sails over with a Tiger Knee), then by getting hit with O.Sagat's [st.Short xx whiffed Tiger Uppercut], then again by doing another reversal fireball. Before recovering from the fireball, Ken holds up/towards so that on the first frame of recovery he immediately starts his jump from the abnormally low glitched Y-position, which allows him to connect j.Jab into full arch juice kick (4 hits). The follow-up combo [far st.Fierce xx super] requires very precise spacing, and only seems to work on certain frames of Sagat's dizzy animation. Most of the time Ken will get either a close st.Fierce, or a far st.Fierce that is too far away to combo into super. - Dhalsim vs. Dhalsim - 1P Dhalsim throws a Jab Yoga Fire as 2P Dhalsim hits him out of it with cr.Short slide xx backwards teleport. 1P Dhalsim also teleports the same direction. 2P Dhalsim sticks out a far st.Fierce and gets hit by the Yoga Fire, pushing him into 1P Dhalsim, who then combos down/back+RH, down/back+Jab xx Yoga Inferno as time runs out and he loses the round. Super flash and dizzy, all for naught. - Dictator vs. O.Sagat - Same concept as Ryu's "launcher" combo vs. Hawk. Normally Dictator's j.RH, land, j.Strong would leave O.Sagat standing on the ground, but in this clip Dic's j.RH catches O.Sagat in the first frame of pre-jump animation, so the follow-up j.Strong launches O.Sagat into the air, allowing for two more j.Strongs, and enough time to charge for a super juggle. - Boxer. Vs. Ken - Ken's super is not a true block string against Boxer. Between the first uppercut and the second, Boxer can get out with a Jab headbutt (charge down/back, up/back+Jab), then punish with cr.Fierce xx super. - Dhalsim vs. Claw - Because Dhalsim's second RH drill hits Claw as a cross-up, it turns him around for the duration of the dizzy, while Dhalsim does a backwards Fierce Yoga Flame, and both characters are facing away from each other. Dhalsim follows up with far st.Short xx super, which doesn't require any special tricks. It's just uncommon. - O.Ken vs. Chun - O.Ken does his anti-air sweep just a little bit too early, and Chun punishes with headstomp. Even if O.Ken had timed his anti-air sweep correctly, Chun would have blocked it because headstomp gives her trip guard. The follow-up combo [j.Forward, backwards st.Fierce xx upkicks, juggle with super] only works against O.Ken, and must be done after a headstomp so that Chun has enough time to charge down for the [st.Fierce xx upkicks]. (Alternatively, she could jump off the back wall instead of doing a headstomp.) Chun stores the super while she is in the air, still recovering from the upkicks. At first she is in the corner, but she is able to walk out of the corner (under O.Ken's falling body) and switch the direction of her charged super. - Akuma vs. Hawk - Akuma throws a Jab air fireball over crouching Hawk's head. Akuma lands, then punishes Hawk's stray hitbox with [j.Fierce xx whiffed air HK] to knock Hawk back into the air fireball. Akuma lands in time to follow-up with [cr.Jab -> cr.Jab -> air HK (1 hit), juggle with uppercut (2 hits)]. After the dizzy, the last combo demonstrates the lowest possible air HK juggle. - Chun vs. Dictator - Sometimes it is possible to throw the opponent again almost immediately after they tech hit a throw. It seems somewhat random, but in this particular case the quickest possible throws required Dic to land cleanly (without hitting the corner) after the first throw, and required Dic to stick out a st.Jab after the second throw. In other words, if Dic was a few pixels closer to the corner and actually hit the wall during air recovery, Chun could not throw him as quickly after he landed. Likewise, if he simply duck-blocked and did not stick out that st.Jab, Chun could not throw him as quickly. After the dizzy, Chun's follow-up combo [st.Jab, st.Fierce xx super] is only possible if st.Jab is the first hit of the combo. It's a one-frame link, and for some reason it won't work if done after a meaty fireball or after a jumping attack. - Ken vs. Claw - I intentionally avoided hitting on the same frame as the fireball, in order to get four distinct Fierce hit sound effects. The follow-up combo [air HK (3 hits), super] requires very specific spacing and timing. - Fei vs. O.Sagat - Reapers take the longest to wear off, and if the opponent doesn't shake out, Fei has enough time to walk them all the way across the screen, from one corner to the other. Fei's backwards meaty st.Forward setup was popularized by Japanese player Koemon, though I'm not sure if he's the originator. - Honda vs. Ken - Ken uses the reversal super bug to throw a second fireball while his first fireball is still on screen. The second fireball has no hitbox, allowing Honda to walk straight through it. In order for the second fireball to have no hitbox, Ken must throw it at just the right time, as the first fireball is disappearing off screen. - Ken vs. Ken - If two Kens trade using the instant air HK (reversal super bug), the screen suddenly jumps upward because the game thinks both characters are in the air. The game quickly realized that in fact both characters are on the ground, so the screen then quickly returns to normal height. - Chun vs. Chun - Some backwards normals are surprisingly easy, and Chun's st.Fierce is one of them, after a cross-up j.Forward against another Chun. This can be done by hand, without turbos. I've even managed to land [cross-up j.Forward, backwards st.Fierce xx backwards Lightning Legs] for a 3-hit combo, in a real match. I was only going for the normal, non-backwards version of that combo. - Claw vs. Ryu - Throughout the Maj jump, Claw is on the right side and Ryu is on the left. Ryu lands just a few frames before Claw, but then Claw manages to barely fly over Ryu's head and to the other side, allowing Ryu to do a backwards cr.Strong. Claw does a cr.Jab and gets hit by Ryu's cr.Strong, then the fireball hits, then Ryu combos [rush punch, cr.Strong xx Fierce red fireball]. Though it doesn't look like it, the [cr.Strong xx Fierce red fireball] is a one-frame link, due to Claw's narrow hitbox. The follow-up [meaty Jab red fireball, super] isn't particularly amazing as a combo, but it sets up two oddities with the super flash: Ryu's foot is cut off by the boat dock peg, and part of Claw's chest is missing because of his own broken-off claw flying through the air. - Dhalsim vs. Fei - Dhalsim jumps backwards, Fei walks under him and sticks out a cr.Strong that gets hit by Dhalsim's RH drill, followed by back+RH, down/back+RH. After the dizzy, Dhalsim's cross-up Forward drill requires very specific spacing and timing. - O.Honda vs. Blanka - If the opponent tech hits O.Honda's Strong throw at exactly the right distance from the corner, such that they hit the wall at the peak height of their air recovery, then O.Honda will remain frozen and invincible for the rest of the round. The match will not continue once time runs out, and the game must be physically reset. Credit: TZW (see: ) - Gief vs. Chun - After the whiffed FAB glitch, Chun can maintain shadows forever, as long as she keeps doing Lightning Legs. With very precise spacing and timing, Gief can use his SPD to grab Chun between the hits of her Short Lightning Legs. - Claw vs. Blanka - The setup [backwards st.Short xx backwards Fierce roll] was originally discovered by TZW many years ago. Nothing new there. But instead of ending the combo with flip kicks, Claw can do a quick "square jump" using his claw stab (charge down, up+punch). If Claw does this move when he is in the corner and the opponent is right next to him, he will fly over the opponent's head and then immediately land on the other side of them. - O.Boxer vs. Gief - After a whiffed FAB glitch, O.Boxer continually chains whiffed cr.Jabs together to maintain shadows while charging for a Final TAP. If Gief had done his cr.RH just a few frame later, it would have beaten the TAP clean. - Hawk vs. Chun - My original goal was to punish Hawk's stray hitbox using Chun's [far st.Fierce xx super], but when I realized there was no way to combo it, I decided "All right, then she's gonna eat a walking 720." Because why not. >------------------< Thanks and Credits >------------------< Bob Sagat, Maj, Jef Pearlman, TZW, bug, Hakase, Bazoukha, djfrijoles, Tosaka, Zero Koubou, T-Akiba, and many others.