EX Raiden...worth considering? - Shoryuken Forums Shoryuken Forums Strategy & Tactics EX Raiden...worth considering? profile | register | members | preferences | faq | search Author Topic: EX Raiden...worth considering? Fakefist Player Posts: 156 Registered: 10-24-2000 posted 02-03-2001 01:41 PM Staff use only: I was playing CvS last night w/ my friend, and I decided to pick Raiden...we were both in awe of Raiden's power. He is really strong. He has some decent move as well, to counter and apply pressure. Has anybody found anything useful with him they'd like to share? -Q. --------------------------- "Not until you listen to Rakim on a rocky mountaintop have you heard hiphop" -Saul Williams --------------------------- jchensor Moderator posted 02-04-2001 02:11 AM Staff use only: Raiden, I think is highly underrated. While I don't think he's really a tournament worthy character, he's definitely not a free win. He's the only Ratio 2 character that does Ratio 3 damage (like Blanka, doing Ratio 2 damage). And he has a lot of good tricks up his sleeve. His fast Roll makes him a bit deadlier... if it were any shorter, Raiden would be SO good. But as it is, Roll into SPD is a decent tactic (not to be abused of course). I won't go into much detail about Raiden, unless someone asks (and even then, I may not be able to help... Raiden isn't my best... far from it... ^_^). But I do know that he loses to SNK Groove EX-Mai for free, so it isn't good to pick him in tournaments. - James The Man Player Posts: 60 Registered: 09-15-2000 posted 02-04-2001 11:21 AM Staff use only: EX Raiden? Hehe...now that guy is ruthless. Like Gief you have to play a little defensive mixed with sparatic offensive attacks. Raiden is slow. Really SLOOOOWWWW. But that also makes him have very high priority. His jump-ins, his standing moves, his crouching moves. They all have high priority. It's actually kind of ridiculous. If somebody misses you can absolutely punish them with a SPD. His super SPD is absolutely nuts for priority. It doesn't walk, it doesn't move, it just grabs you and makes you regret your mistake. He also has a decent anti-air. His charge move where he rushes with his shoulder also will pass through almost any attack. It's really slow, but it can go through like anything. So thats a big plus. If used correctly Raiden can be a mean man. Roll through the fireballs and SPD the persone or you can charge through with his shoulder charge. EX's new super combos real nicely for some good damage also. EX Mai could be a pain, but she definitely isn't going to get the win like it was nothing. If Raiden was played right he could give her a run for her money or even beat her. She's fast, she can get around the screen quickly, but she can also get SPD'd like any other person. So do what you can, or just use someone else to beat her and leave Raiden for cleanup. Mix up his jump-ins and rolls. Do the SPD when they block, jump at you, or when you roll through one of their attacks. Use jabs to keep them in check and to quickly stop the big combos. Use a standing fierce to keep the opponent at bay. And if you use EX's anti-air right, do that to yank them down. Be careful to not just get bombarded with attacks. If thats happening, roll or jab or do a super or something. JUST GET OUT OF IT. It's important to keep the opponent doing what you want and shutting down anything they want to do. Use Raiden's priority to win the battles of regular moves. CrZyNip28 Player Posts: 45 Registered: 12-08-2000 posted 02-04-2001 11:56 AM Staff use only: EX Raiden is simply the greatest character ever created. haha. Beware the level 3 super breath! [This message has been edited by CrZyNip28 (edited 02-04-2001).] The Man Player Posts: 60 Registered: 09-15-2000 posted 02-04-2001 03:53 PM Staff use only: EX Raiden doesn't even have the super. So don't listen to the Crazy guy. DrunkinB Player Posts: 1140 Registered: 12-12-2000 posted 02-05-2001 04:45 PM Staff use only: Normal Raiden is better cuz the fire breath super is invincable the other super u can combo wit Ex Raiden, IMO Raiden is better then Zangief cuz from what I seen he will out grab Zangief! VietLoc Player Posts: 69 Registered: 11-23-2000 posted 02-05-2001 04:53 PM Staff use only: quote: Originally posted by CrZyNip28: EX Raiden is simply the greatest character ever created. haha. Beware the level 3 super breath! [This message has been edited by CrZyNip28 (edited 02-04-2001).] lol The Man is right. ex raiden doesnt even have the breath super. go play your gay tekken crazy communist. CrZyNip28 Player Posts: 45 Registered: 12-08-2000 posted 02-05-2001 10:30 PM Staff use only: quote: Originally posted by VietLoc: lol The Man is right. ex raiden doesnt even have the breath super. go play your gay tekken crazy communist. damn all u ppl. i don't care if he has super breath or not. i wuz just making a sarcastic remark u freakin' mofoz. n go play ur damn jojo's bizarre adventure vietcongloc VietLoc Player Posts: 69 Registered: 11-23-2000 posted 02-05-2001 10:36 PM Staff use only: hey you were playing that game with me. 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