Forums - SF complete Show all 8 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- SF complete ( Posted by Apoc on 05:20:2001 12:16 PM: SF complete I've waited years just to see an sf game that has ALL of the sf1 and sf2 cast. I'm excited about Eagle being in CvS2. But there's no clear answer to why only some of the SF1 characters were put into the alpha series and not all. The game I want...regardless of the engine has this character roster: Ryu Ken Joe Mike(M.Bison(japanese) could fill this I guess) Retsu Geki Lee Gen Birdie Eagle Adon Sagat Chun Li Guile Honda Zangief Blanka Dhalsim Balrog(again this will do as Mike) Vega M.Bison T.Hawk Cammy Fei Long Deejay Akuma As you can see there are only 5 characters missing from zero3 upper. And in there place we got: Rose Sakura Dan R.Mika Karin Juni Juli Every other character in the alpha series that was "new" came from Final Fight(which was originally going to be street fighter 2 it was reported). I understand some of these characters have a following of fans. No consolation for me especially in the original sense of sf characters. Every new character that we got that was female aside from Dan. I like female characters too. But gameplay fun aside...a these characters took away from the harder edge that street fighter had. I used Rose. Doesn't change the fact that she was better suited for Darkstalkers. Sakura? Though great in gameplay...a 14 year old girl who can whoop as just by watching and copying(however poorly) Ryu's moves? ok? Juni and Juli weren't even necessary being palette swaps. Anything new they had could've been given to Cammy. R.Mika? wtf!? I don't even see REAL female professional wrestlers dressed this lame...and I certainly would've taken Eagle over her any day as a serious sf character. Karin is the only one that makes some sense to me seeing as how she is rich and could afford the type of training required to be a world warrior. And even still.... As far as I'm concerned the best new additions to sf females came in the 3 series and were Ibuki and Makoto. Now with no word on any further alphas. Is the game I'm looking for a sad wish that will never happen? And is storyline a forgotten issue? You know that characters won't have their storylines set in cvs2. I so wished for a complete roster in an sf. Complete with storylines as well. Of course afterward I may have wished to include the sf3 characters as well. But capcom didn't even do this? And there's little chance every character will make it into cvs3. Not to mention they totally changed Birdie from sf1. Adon was not as scary as sf1 ever(though that is arguable). I'm almost afraid to see how Eagle turns out in CvS2. Am I the only one that wanted this? heheh Apoc. Posted by shin srwilson on 05:20:2001 03:31 PM: I think its good how we are going to get to play as some of the SF1 charcters in CVS2 and even though im going to mainly be using Gouki (as usual) and Ryu etc i am anticipating having a go with the older characters as i never saw them in the original SF game they should be good. Posted by Mmeeva on 05:20:2001 03:40 PM: Heh, I would love to see a Street Fighter with every single character in the series. At least with Capcom reviving the SF1 characters were getting somewhat closer to that happening. Posted by JAG on 05:20:2001 06:03 PM: That would be psycho. Posted by vega2001 on 05:20:2001 07:36 PM: Or, you could have something called Street Fighter Anthologies where you have very single character of all time (some other member had this idea but I can't think of their name at the time). You could also choose what "mode" you wanted: Classical (SF2-SSF2), Modern (ST-SFA3), to Contemporary (SFIII-SFIII Third Strike), or EX mode similar to the play of the EX series. Capcom really is sitting on a gold mine with the SF franchise. I know I would gladly pay for a game of this caliber. Posted by Iceman on 05:21:2001 12:59 AM: This is a lot of what I have been wanting. I would love a "true" SF4 or whatever you want to title it, with almost all the characters from SF2, SF3, Alpha, and *gasp* new characters I like the adition of Eagle because to my knowledge, he is "new." He was in SF1, but has he ever been playable? BTW, Apoc, wouldn't Mike have been Balrog? I just assumed they were one and the same. Personally, I've been waiting on Rose and Dee Jay to come back into a game. Rose hasn't been gone for very long (A3 being her last), but Dee Jay hasn't been in a serious game since Super Turbo (I'm not counting the home versions of A3). Cammy was the only character of the "New Challengers" to survive into other games. I would also like to see many of the SF3 cast compete with the others. Ibuki, Alex, Urien, and Elena are some of the cast I would have loved to see in a game with the old favorites. At least CvS2 will have Yun. All in all, I'm sick of VS (I love MvC2, but i hope it's the last), wasn't looking forward to CvS2 that much until I saw Chen use the expression "Rolento II." And from what I've heard Alpha and 3 are not going to have any more sequals. I think it's time for Capcom to get off of their lazy asses and create a NEW game. And did I mention I want NEW sprites! 4 Capcom characters (5 if you count E.Ryu) were re-wdrawn. Enough is enough. Give us new sprites. Posted by Don Knotts on 05:21:2001 01:14 AM: There is an interesting interview with the head of Capcom Japan on, in the PSX2 section I think, where he states that the SF series will no longer be in 3D,(meaning no more EX series) but in the future it will look 3D. Weather this means Cell shading, or no more anime style art but instead realistic art, I have no idea. Oh, about Mike being Balrog, I guess he's not. I got that "All about Capcom head to head fighting book", and it states that he isn't the same guy. Also, Ibuki doesn't seem to be the daughter of Geki. Thats the little I could gather, with my limited knowladge of Japanese. Posted by AKUMA2000 on 05:21:2001 02:12 AM: quote: shin srwilson:even though im going to mainly be using Gouki (as usual) and Ryu etc LOL...same here All times are GMT. The time now is 10:51 PM. Show all 8 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.