Jump Point.
find your way around
"I am waiting for you, Vizzini. You told me to go back to the beginning. So I have. This is where I am, and this is where I will stay. I will not be moved."
-Inigo, Princess Bride

Marvel vs Capcom 2 videos. Videos from about a decade of running, traveling around, and filming game tournaments. The fun reason why I have this web site.
PalMod. PALette MODification for fighting games. An ongoing project from my friends and I.
DTPKDump. Sega Dreamcast DTPK (Digital Track PacKage) audio modification.
The WMP FAQ. Collection of various FAQs people had over time when I worked on Windows Media Player. The serious reason why I have this web site.

Guide to Disney's Astro Blasters. A great ride that's got a variety of small secrets.

My CD collection. For my own lookup when I'm out shopping, but also turned out to be interesting to fellow completionists.