Texas Showdown
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Texas Showdown 1.
Brought you to courtesy of Bernie, from footage from "ryulevel3super", Andy Nguyen. Thank you! Captured from a VHS tape. This tournament represents I believe the last of the CvS1 tourneys. Info on Texas Showdown history.
* 1b SFA3 Hsien (W V-Ryu) vs Crowbait (V-Charlie)
* 1c SFA3 Hsien (W V-Ryu) vs unknown (A-Chun)
* 3S/1k 3S Eddie Williams (2W Hugo) vs Crowbait (Urien,Dudley)
* 3S/1n 3S Mark (ChunLi) vs Hsien (W Yun)
* 3S/2b 3S Rob (Yang) vs Eddie Williams (Hugo)
* 3S/2c 3S Arturo (Chun-Li) vs Hsien (Yun)
* 3S/2f 3S Hsien (Akuma) vs Mopreme (Ryu)
Capcom vs SNK1. One of the very few CvS1 tourneys.
* CvS1/1a CvS Animal Porn (W HondaCammyBsn) vs DrDeelite (EXTerryGief)
* CvS1/1d CvS Martin (TerryEXKim) vs Duc Do (EXYuriBlankaGuile)
* CvS1/1e CvS Thomas Nguyen (EXTerryRyu) vs Allen (KingEXViceEXKim)
* CvS1/1f CvS Sergio (KimKyo) vs Rizzi (DhalsimCammyGief)
* CvS1/1g CvS Cozen (CmmyKingYuriBlanka) vs Ricky Ortiz (NakoruruEXMai)
* CvS1/1h CvS DrDeelite (EXTerryGief) vs Hsien (SakuraKingKen)
* CvS1/1i CvS Crowbait (EXYuriKenDhalsim) vs Dustin (BlankaDhalsimKen)
* CvS1/1j CvS Dohan (ChunSakuraYuri) vs Jumpsuit Jesse (BlankaSagat)
* CvS1/1l CvS Omar (YuriKingRyu) vs Duc Do (EXYuriBlankaGuile)
* CvS1/1m CvS Arturo (EXYamazakiDhalsim) vs Freddie (DhalsimIoriBlanka)
* CvS1/1o CvS Mopreme (SakuraEXYuriRyu) vs Motor (EXViceBlankaRyu)
* CvS1/1p CvS Crowbait (EXYuriKenDhalsim) vs Brian (DhalsimGuileKing)
* CvS1/1q CvS unknown (TerryKim) vs Mike KrazyStep (KimRyu)
* CvS1/1r CvS Ricky Ortiz (NakoruruBlankaEXVice) vs Jesse Jumpsuit (EXGuileRyu)
* CvS1/1s CvS Hsien (KenRyu) vs xxx (NakoruruGuile)
* CvS1/1t CvS David Hem (RyuKyo) vs Duc Do (EXYuriBlankaGuile)
* CvS1/1u CvS Skye (KingDhalsEXYuriBlanka) vs Peter (EXYuriNakoDhals)
* CvS1/1v CvS Dustin (DhalsimBlankaGief) vs Mopreme (Evil Ryu)
* CvS1/1w CvS Arturo (GuileEXViceDhalsim) vs xxx (BeniSakuraKingEXYuri)
* CvS1/2a CvS Sky (EXYuriDhalsKingBlanka) vs Dan (NakoruruEXViceDhals)
* CvS1/2d CvS Peter (DhalsimCammyNako) vs Duc Do (EXYuriBlankaGuile)
* CvS1/2e CvS Allen (KingEXViceEXKing) vs Arturo (EXYamazakiDhalsim)
* CvS1/2g CvS Hsien (Evil Ryu) vs Ricky Ortiz (NakoruruEXYuriEXVice)
* CvS1/2h 3S GF Arturo (Chun-Li) vs Hsien (Akuma)
* CvS1/2i CvS Brian Tyson (RyuGuile) vs David Hem (DhalsimBenimaruKyo)
* CvS1/2j CvS Peter Ong (EXMaiNakoruru) vs Arturo (EXYamazakiDhalsim)
* CvS1/2k CvS Allen (EXKimEXViceKing) vs Ricky O (NakoruruEXYuriEXVice)
* CvS1/2l CvS Arturo (EXYamazakiDhalsim) vs Brian (GuileRyu)
* CvS1/2m CvS Allen (KingEXViceEXKim) vs Brian (GuileRyu)
* CvS1/2n CvS Peter (EXYuriEXTerryDhalsim) vs Hsien (Ken,Ryu)
* CvS1/3a CvS LF Brian (GuileRyu) vs Peter (EXYuriNakoruruDhalsim)
* CvS1/3b CvS GF Hsien (NakoruruRyu) vs Peter (various)

Marvel! It's noted in the "release notes" for the VHS tape that generally Duc and Ricky owned Texas, so Duc in particular is screwing around with low tier teams in a variety of matches.
* MvC2/1a MvC2 Duc Do (Shoto) vs Baby Jay (PsylockeJinThanos)
* MvC2/1b MvC2 Duc Do (BBHoodJuggyHulk) vs xxx (CapAmGambitIceman)
* MvC2/1c MvC2 Duc Do (SpiralCableSent) vs Carlos (CableBBHoodCapCom)
* MvC2/1d MvC2 Duc Do (MSP) vs Henry (CableDoomCommando)
* MvC2/1e MvC2 Duc Do (SpiralStormDoom) vs Earl Westwood (RogueJinBBHd)
* MvC2/3a JW McNay (SpiralCykeCable) vs Tony Nguyen (2W StormCykeDoom)
* MvC2/3b Chris (2W MegamanSentBH) vs Henry (W CableDoomCapCom)
* MvC2/3c Charlie (GuileCableDoom) vs Duc Do (2W MSP)
* MvC2/3d John Minco (W SentBHCable) vs Arturo (2W StriderCableDoom)
* MvC2/3e Calikiller (2W MagSentKen) vs Earl Westwood (W RogueStormJin)
* MvC2/3f Baby Jay (2W SpiralSentBH) vs Derek (W TronMMSilSam)
* MvC2/3g Jose (MagStormCyke) vs Ricky Ortiz (2W MSP)
* MvC2/3h Fernie (MegamanCableSent) vs Duc (2W Shoto)
* MvC2/3i Skye (2W IMBHDoom) vs Gabriel Animal Porn (W SpiralCableBH)
* MvC2/3j Dan (StriderDoomCapCom) vs Arturo (2W DoomCableBH)
* MvC2/3k Floe (2W SpiralCableSent) vs Codiac (MagCableSent)
* MvC2/3l Skye (2W IMBHDoom) vs Dan (W SentDoomBH)
* MvC2/3m Floe (SentStormCapCom) vs Ricky Ortiz (2W SpiralCableSent)
* Texas Tourney Ari Floe vs Ricky (same as 3m, just better quality)
* Texas Tourney Ari Floe vs. Ricky 2 matches
* MvC2/3n Duc Do (2W BBHoodJuggyHulk) vs Carlos (W CableBBHoodCapCom)
* MvC2/3o John Bunn (CammyStormPsy) vs DucDo (3W MSP)
* MvC2/3p Arturo (W CableDoomBH) vs Ricky Ortiz (3W MSP)
* MvC2/4a MvC2 Skye (W IronManDoomBH) vs Arturo (2W BHCableCyke)
* MvC2/4b LF Arturo (BHSentCapCom) vs Duc Do (MSP) Evidently both Ricky and Duc really wanted to play Skye, so were sad when he lost here.
* Texas Tourney Finals Arturo vs Duc match 3 and 4 (Alternate recording)
* Texas Tourney Losers Finals Arturo (BHCableDoom) vs Duc (W MSP) match 5 (Alternate recording)
* MvC2/4c MvC2 GF Duc Do vs Ricky Ortiz They decided to split the money and used joke teams. This resulted in "ties" being banned going forward.

Texas Showdown 3.
This tourney is most famous for Justin's pixel Cable comeback in grand finals game 2. It's quite nice.
* Danielv (SentCableTron) vs Vinnyman (W MagSentPsy) 2o2
* Danielv (SentMagTron) vs Vinnyman (W MagSentPsy) 1o2
* LS magneto_x (W MSP) vs_vegita-x (RogueStormTron) 1
* LS magneto_x (W MSP)_vs_vegita-x (StormRogueTron) 2
* magneto_x (SentStormCapCom) vs_vinnyman (W SentCableCapCom) 2
* magneto_x (W MSP) vs_vinnyman (SentCableCapCom) 3
* magneto_x (W SentStormCapCom) vs_vinnyman (SentCableCapCom) 1
* mixup_vs_sentinel's-force_1-3
* power-dn (SentStormCyke) vs_vegita-x (W StormRogueTron) 2
* power-dn (StormSentCyke) vs_vegita-x (W RogueStormTron) 3
* power-dn (W SentStormCyke) vs_vegita-x (StormRogueTron) 1
* ricky (MSDoom) vs_mixup (W SentMagIronMan) 2
* ricky (MSP) vs_mixup (W SentMagIronMan) 1
* rivas_vs_normal-guy_3
* taiji (2W MSP) vs power-dn (W MSP) 1-3
* WINNER SEMI-FINALS wong (StormSentDoom) vs darkphoenix (MagCableCyke) 2
* wong (W MagStormDoom) vs vegitax (RogueStormTron) 1
* wong (W MagStormDoom) vs vegitax (RogueStormTron) 2
* xecutioner (W StormSentCapCom) vs power-dn (CableStormCapCom) 2
* xecutioner (W StormSentCapCom) vs powerdn (StormCableCapCom) 3
* WINNER FINALS xecutioner_vs_jwong[winners-finals]_1
* WINNER FINALS wong (W SentStormCyke) vs xecutioner (MagStormDoom) 2
* WINNER FINALS xecutioner_vs_jwong[winners-finals]_3
* WINNER FINALS xecutioner_vs_jwong[winners-finals]_4
* grand finals justin wong (W MagsCableDoom) vs xecutioner (Row) 1
* grand finals justin wong (W MagsCableDoom) vs xecutioner (SSCyke) 2 (pixel cable comeback)
* grand finals justin wong (W MagCableDoom) vs xecutioner (SSCyke) 3
* grand finals xecutioner_vs_jwong[grand-finals]_4

Texas Showdown 4.
These were filmed by Blaziniflo for the Ultimate Marvel DVD and are posted with his generous permission.
* JWong (MSDoom) vs Vegita-X (RogueStormTron)
* Xecutioner vs Magneto-X
* Xecutioner vs Raekwon787
* WF Xecutioner vs JWong
* GF Xecutioner vs JWong
* Crowd at Tournament
* TS4 label me

Texas Showdown 5.
The Final 8 are on the DVD, plus a variety of bonus matches.
* TS5 DVD Trailer The DVD is no longer available, and as such that footage is generally included below and marked "DVD footage".

* Casual: 1a casual Sanford (11W Scrub) vs various (W various)
* Casual: 1b casual Eric (2W MagCableSent) vs xxx and Erin
* Casual: 1c casual Eric (MCS) and xxx (W SSCC) vs KaKaRoTtE (W MSS)
* Casual: 1d casual various (W MagCableSent) vs Jarrett (2W BHDoomCyke)
* Casual: 1e casual Skimitar (W CableSentCyke) vs Sanford (StormWolvGambit)
* Casual: 1f casual Skimitar (CableSentCyke) vs Sanford (W MSS)
* Casual: 1g casual Monkeyspank (SSCapCom) vs Skimitar (W MSS)
* Casual: 1h casual MvC2 Jummpeee (4W CableCykeCapCom) vs various
* Casual: 2d casual Jummpeee (Shoto) vs JWong (W Shoto)
* Casual: 2f casual Matrix (W SSCable) vs Jummpeee (Shoto)
* Casual: 2g casual Matrix (SSCable) vs Ivan R (2W SentCableMag)
* Casual: 3a casual NatureBoy (MSDoom) vs Buckethead (W MagIronManSent)
* Casual: 3b casual Scrappy (SSCapCom) vs Buckethead (W MagIronManSent)
* Casual: 3c casual Chris (RogueCableTron) vs Buckethead (W MagIronManSent)
* Casual: 3d casual Scrappy (SSCapCom) vs Buckethead (W MagIronManSent)
* Casual: 3e casual Preppy (W MagCableTron) vs Buckethead (MagIronManSent)
* Casual: 3f casual Preppy (MagCableTron) vs Alex (W SpiralStormSent)
* Casual: 3g casual Scrappy (MagSentCyke) vs Alex (W SpiralStormSent)
* Casual: 3h casual Mike (W RogueStormTron) vs Alex (SpiralStormSent)
* Casual: 3i casual Mike (RogueStormTron) vs Ivan R (W SentStormCapCom)
* Casual: 3j casual Preppy (SabeCableTron) vs Ivan R (W SentStormCapCom)
* Casual: 3k casual Sanford win streak (20W StormSentCyke)
* Casual: 4a casual xxx (W RogueStormTron) vs Carlos (RubyCykeDoom)
* Casual: 4b casual xxx (RogueStormTron) vs xxx (W SentCableCammy)
* Casual: 4c casual Preppy (W CableCapComTron) vs xxx (SentCableCammy)
* Casual: 4d casual Preppy (W CableCapComTron) vs Mike (RogueStormTron)
* Casual: 4e casual Preppy (CableCapComTron) vs Aaron (W MagCableSent)
* Casual: 4f casual Isaac Graham win streak (7W MSP)
* Casual: 4h casual Isaac Graham win streak (7W MSP)
* Casual: 5k casual Sanford (W MSS) vs Ivan R (StormSentCapCom)
* Casual: 6b cas Preppy (2W StormSentCapcom) vs Big Beef (JuggsTronDoom)
* Casual: 6c casual Demon Jim vs Preppy (3W ChunCableTron)
* Casual: 6d casual low tiers vs Preppy (8W ChunCableTron)
* Casual: 6e casual Dan (W DanCykeTron) vs Preppy (ChunCableTron)
* Casual: 6f casual Dan (DanCykeTron) vs xxx (W StriderCapAmCyke)
* Casual: 6g casual Preppy (W MorrSakTron) vs xxx (StriderCapAmCyke)
* Casual: 6h cas Preppy (W MorrSakTron) vs Monkeyspank (GuileGambitTron)
* Casual: 6i cas Preppy (MorrSakTron) vs Jummpeee (W Shoto)
* Casual: 7d cas Sanford (W MSS) vs DSP (SentStormCapCom)
* Casual: 7e cas Isaac G (W MSTron) vs X (SSCable)
* Casual: 7f cas Isaac Graham (MSTron) vs Wigfall (W MSTron)
* Casual: 7g cas Eric (MagSentCyke) vs Wigfall (W MSTron)
* Casual: 7h cas Ill E (StormSentGief) vs Wigfall (W MSTron)
* Casual: 7i cas John (MSS) vs Wigfall (W MSTron)
* Casual: 7j cas Mr. Phelps (SpideySentDoom) vs Wigfall (W MSTron)
* Casual: 7k cas Big Beef (JuggsTronDoom) vs Wigfall (W MSTron)
* Casual: 7l cas Preppy (MegaCableTron) vs Wigfall (W MSTron) shouldercam
* Casual: 7m cas Isaac Graham (MSTron) vs Wigfall (W MSTron)
* Casual: 7n cas X (W CykeSentCapCom) vs Joaquin (MagCableSent)
* Casual: 7o cas X (W CykeSentCapCom) vs Scrappy (SentStriderDoom)
* Casual: 7p cas X (W CykeSentCapCom) vs Ivan R (CykeSentCapCom)
* Casual: 7q cas X (W CykeSentCapCom) vs Preppy (SabeCableTron)
* Casual: 7r cas X (W SentCykeCapCom) vs Scrappy (DoomTronStorm)
* Casual: 7s cas X (SentCykeCapCom) vs Ivan R (W SentStormCapCom)
* Casual: 7t cas Tim (MagCableCyke) vs Ivan R (W SentStormCapCom)
* Casual: 7u cas Wigfall (MSP) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* Casual: 7v cas Isaac Graham (W MSP) vs Vegita-X (RogueStormTron)
* Casual: 7w cas Isaac Graham (W MSP) vs xxx (MSCapCom)
* Casual: 7x cas Isaac Graham (W MSP) vs Gonzo (OmegaRedSentCapCom)
* Casual: 7y cas Isaac Graham (W MSP) vs PowerDn (MSP)
* Casual: 7z cas Isaac Graham (MSP) vs Wigfall (2W MSP)
* Casual: 7za cas Aaron (MSP) vs Wigfall (2W MSP)
* Casual: 15f casual Chill_Effect,Preppy vs Roy (2W SentStormCapCom)
* Casual: 15g casual Skimitar (W MagDoomTron) vs Ray (SentStormCapCom)
* Casual: 15h casual Skimitar (MagDoomTron) vs Chris (W RogueCableTron)
* Casual: 16a cas xxx (CableSentCammy) vs Jummpeee (W RogueCableCapCom)
CvS2 From BukTooth and BAS, I believe.
* CvS2: SD - Texas Showdown 5 Part 1
* CvS2: SD - Texas Showdown 5 Part 2
* CvS2: SD - Texas Showdown 5 Part 3
* CvS2: SD - Texas Showdown 5 Part 4
* CvS2: SD - Texas Showdown 5 Part 5
* CvS2: Texas Showdown 5 - CvS2 Pools (NoiNoiPinoy, Legendary Gokou, FubarDuck, Buktooth, Popoblo, RagingStormX, etc.), Other Games
* CvS2: TS5 - RagingStormX vs Otaku - 01
* CvS2: BAS's CvS2 footage/ts5-butapopoblo1
* CvS2: BAS's CvS2 footage/ts5-otkjustin
* CvS2: BAS's CvS2 footage/ts5-otknestor
* CvS2: BAS's CvS2 footage/ts5-simagenestor
Money Matches
* Money Match: 15j MM Vinnyman (MSS,SSCapCom) vs Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron)
* Money Match: 17k MM Wigfall (W MSP) vs Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron)
* Money Match: 18a MM Wigfall (2W MSP) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* Money Match: 18b MM Wigfall (2W MSP) vs Vegita-X (RogueStormTron)
* Money Match: 2a MM Skimitar (2W) vs JWong (3W MarrowGuileTron)
* Money Match: 2b MM Skimitar (various) vs JWong (10W SSCapCom)
* Money Match: 2c MM Jummpeee (W Shoto) vs Preppy (Shoto) I won the Shoto title back from him next year.
* Money Match: 2e MM Preppy (ChunSabeTron) vs JWong (3W MarrowGuileTron) Justin's nuts with Marrow. Don't trust him.
* Money Match: 5g MM 20 dollars VegitaX (W RogueStormTron) vs Isaac (3W MSP)
* Ranma's Pictures: AlexPerales
* Ranma's Pictures: AlexYoon
* Ranma's Pictures: ArturoSanchez
* Ranma's Pictures: BAS
* Ranma's Pictures: BASandKindevubeforedrinking
* Ranma's Pictures: Buktooth
* Ranma's Pictures: Combofiend
* Ranma's Pictures: DirtyCole
* Ranma's Pictures: Fubarduck
* Ranma's Pictures: Hsien
* Ranma's Pictures: Issac
* Ranma's Pictures: JoeReyna
* Ranma's Pictures: Jummpeee
* Ranma's Pictures: Jummpeeetake2
* Ranma's Pictures: JustinandFlash
* Ranma's Pictures: JustinandRicky-SBOCFJWinners
* Ranma's Pictures: JustinWong
* Ranma's Pictures: Kindevu
* Ranma's Pictures: Kindevuv
* Ranma's Pictures: LulingBBQ-JetlaggedJapaneseKindevuOtakuBAS
* Ranma's Pictures: LulingBBQ-KindevuOtakuBASBuktooth
* Ranma's Pictures: LulingBBQ-OtakuEvilBuktoothVanessieeandMichelle
* Ranma's Pictures: LulingBBQ-underagedrinkingMichellePower-DNRanma0005
* Ranma's Pictures: Magneto-X
* Ranma's Pictures: Marneto
* Ranma's Pictures: MatrixSanfordandJeRonenjoyingtheirmeals
* Ranma's Pictures: Otaku
* Ranma's Pictures: PyroandFrankie-3SSBOwinners
* Ranma's Pictures: R0B0T
* Ranma's Pictures: RickyOrtiz
* Ranma's Pictures: Ruin
* Ranma's Pictures: SanfordKelly
* Ranma's Pictures: Stargate-EvenolderschoolTekkenJimmyTranvsCrow
* Ranma's Pictures: Stargate-FurbyvsBASstillgoingCrowandLaysayingquitturtlingalready
* Ranma's Pictures: Stargate-H-townMvC2VinnymanwatchingKakarottevsJoeReyna
* Ranma's Pictures: Stargate-JaviFurbyLoganVanessie
* Ranma's Pictures: Stargate-VinnymanvsPower-DN
* Ranma's Pictures: TxShowdown-CueMarnetoandElvenShadow
* Ranma's Pictures: TxShowdown-NestorvsBuktooth
* Ranma's Pictures: TxShowdown-OchoateabaggingDr
* Ranma's Pictures: TxShowdown-Registration
* Ranma's Pictures: TxShowdown-RuinvsMarneto
* Ranma's Pictures: TxShowdown-SmokersAnonymous
* Ranma's Pictures: TxShowdown-VigorousandCombofiend
* Ranma's Pictures: TxShowdown-VigorousandRuin
* Ranma's Pictures: TxShowdown-WhoisMikeJones
* Ranma's Pictures: TxShowdown-Winnah - Jummpee and Big Beef at Eating Contest
* My hotel room (Small)
* My hotel room 2
* My hotel room
Team Tourney
* Team Tourney: 5i TT Team Matrix (DSP 3W SentStormCapcom) vs Team THC
* Team Tourney: 5j TT Empire (Sanford W MagCableSent) vs Carnevil (SentCableCapCom)
* Team Tourney: 5l TT Team Azn-Hitler (3W MSS) vs CantStopWontStop
* Team Tourney: 5m TT AznHitler (W) vs Matrix (Jummpeee 2W RogueCableCapCom)
* Team Tourney: 6a TT Rowan (W MSS) vs Jay (MagCykeSent)
* Team Tourney: 6j TT Team Power-Dn vs Matrix (Jummpeee 2W RogueCableCapCom)
* Team Tourney: 7a TT PowerDn (SentStormCapCom) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* Team Tourney: 7b TT LF New Orleans (2W Raekwaan,Veg-X,Mag-X) vs Matrix (3W DSP,Jummpeee,Matrix)
* Team Tourney: 7c TT GF Empire (3W Sanford MSS) vs Matrix (DSP,Jummpeee,Matrix)
Tourney Pools
* RyuX (CableWolvieSpidey) vs Skimitar (W PERFECT SentCableCyke) Filmed by Skimitar, I believe.
* Pools: 8a David (2W MSP) vs James Chen (MagCableDoom)
* Pools: 8b Marvel_ous One (2W MagIronManSent) vs James Chen (MCD,DCT)
* Pools: 8c JWong (2W Perfect MagCableSent) vs JChen (MagCablexxx)
* Pools: 8d Skimitar (2W SentCableCyke) vs James Chen (xxxCableCyke)
* Pools: 8e Natureboy (2W MSDoom) vs James Chen (CableDoomxxx)
* Pools: 8f Solarstar (2W MagCableSent) vs James Chen (MagCableDoom)
* Pools: 8g Aaron (CableSentxxx) vs Skimitar (2W SentCableCyke)
* Pools: 8h RyuX (random low tier) vs Skimitar (2W Perfect SentCableCyke)
* Pools: 8i Duan (W MagIronManSent) vs Skimitar (2W CableSentCyke)
* Pools: 8j JWong (2W MagCableSent) vs Skimitar (CableSentCyke)
* Pools: 8k David V (MSP,MSS) vs Skimitar (2W CableSentCyke)
* Pools: 8l Natureboy (MSDoom) vs Skimitar (2W CableSentCyke)
* Pools: 8m Aaron (W MSP) vs David V (MSP)
* Pools: 8n Sanford (W Perfect StormSentCable) vs Cancer (SentStriderDoom)
* Pools: 8o Sanford (W SSCable) vs Jason (CableSentCapCom)
* Pools: 8p Dakota (W SpiralSentCapCom) vs Irvin (2W CykeSentIronMan)
* Pools: 8q Dakota (SpiralSentxxx) vs Chill_Effect (2W IcemanStormSent)
* Pools: 8r Dakota (2W SpiralSentCapCom) vs Bob Washington
* Pools: 8s Chill_Effect (W IcemanStormSent) vs Bob Washington (MSS)
* Pools: 9a Minh (W MagCableSent) vs Jummpeee (2W RogueCableCapCom)
* Pools: 9b Minh (MagCableSent) vs Irvin (2W CykeSentIronMan)
* Pools: 9c Minh (MagCableSent) vs Chill_Effect (2W IcemanStormSent)
* Pools: 9d Minh vs Kensou (2W SentStriderDoom)
* Pools: 9e Minh vs Sanford (2W StormSentCable)
* Pools: 9f cas KStep (5W CableSentCapCom) vs various
* Pools: 9g Josh Wigfall (2W MagCableSent) vs Gonzo (ORedBHCapCom)
* Pools: 9h Josh Wigfall (2W MagCableSent) vs Dr Phelps (SpideySentDoom)
* Pools: 9i Josh Wigfall (W MagCableSent) vs Demon Jim (SentIronManPsy)
* Pools: 9j Daniel (W SentStormCapCom) vs JW (CableSentCapCom)
* Pools: 9k JW (2W SentCableCapCom) vs Michael (W RogueStormTron)
* Pools: 9l Jake (SentMagCyke) vs Ranma (2W MegaManCableTron)
* Pools: 10a JW (W SSCapCom) vs Ranma (2W MegaManCableTron)
* Pools: 10b Ivan R (2W SentCableMag) vs Ranma (MegaManCableTron)
* Pools: 10c JW vs Carnevil (2W CableSentCapCom)
* Pools: 10d Ricky Ortiz (2W MSP) vs Carnevil (SentCableCapCom)
* Pools: 10e Ricky Ortiz (2W MSP) vs Ivan (W MagCableSent)
* Pools: 10f Ricky Ortiz (2W MSP) vs Chen (MagCykeSent)
* Pools: 10g Ricky Ortiz (W MSP, W SSCyke) vs Michael (W RogueStormTron)
* Pools: 10h Ricky Ortiz (2W MSP) vs KaKaRoTtE
* Pools: 10i Alex (W MagCableDoom) vs Michael (2W RogueStormTron)
* Pools: 10j Ivan R (W SentCableMag) vs JW (IronManStormDoom)
* Pools: 10k Ranma (CableMegaManTron) vs Carnevil (W SentCableCapCom)
* Pools: 10l Alex (SentCableCapCom) vs JW (2W IronManStormDoom)
* Pools: 10m Alex vs Ranma (2W MegaManCableTron)
* Pools: 11a Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron) vs Crow (StormSentCapCom)
* Pools: 11b Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron) vs Desmond (2W SentStormCapCom)
* Pools: 11c Nestor (2W MSP) vs Desmond (SSCapCom)
* Pools: 11d Nestor (MSP,SSCyke) vs Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron)
* Pools: 11e Nestor (2W SSCapCom,MSP) vs DSP (W SSCapCom,MST)
* Pools: 11f Nestor (2W SentStormCapCom) vs Tone (SentStormCapCom)
* Pools: 11g Nestor (2W SentStormCapCom) vs Julio (MSCyke)
* Pools: 11h Nestor (2W SentStormCapCom) vs Andjita (SentStormCapCom)
* Pools: 11i Desmond (2W SentStormCapCom) vs Tone (MSS)
* Pools: 11j Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron) vs Tone (MSS)
* Pools: 11k ruin- (W SentStormCapCom) vs Eric (SentCableMag)
* Pools: 11l Joaqin vs Eric (2W MSP)
* Pools: 11m Jeff (W SSCapCom, W MagCableSent) vs Eric (W MSP)
* Pools: 11n Chris (RogueCableTron) vs Skisonic (2W MSP)
* Pools: 11o Jeff (MagCableSent) vs Magneto-X (2W MSS)
* Pools: 11q playoff Vegita-X (RogueStormTron) vs X (W SentStormCapCom)
* Pools: 11r Vegita-X (RST) vs Nestor (SSCapCom) CALLED MATCH
* Pools: 12a Carlos (W RubyCableDoom) vs Big Beef (MSS)
* Pools: 12b Carlos (RubyxxxDoom) vs Ryan H (2W MST)
* Pools: 12c Joe Reyna (W MSP, W SSCyke) vs Carlos (RubyxxxDoom)
* Pools: 12d Joe Reyna (2W MSP) vs Big Beef (MSS)
* Pools: 12e Joe Reyna (W SentCableCapCom) vs Rey (W SentCableCyke)
* Pools: 12f Floe (MSP) vs Isaac G (W MSP)
* Pools: 12g Matrix (SSCyke) vs Isaac G (2W MSP)
* Pools: 12h xxx (MagIronManSent) vs Isaac G (W MSP)
* Pools: 12i Carlos (2W RubyCableDoom) vs Ray
* Pools: 12j Chris S (W MSS) vs Ray (MegamanCableTron)
* Pools: 12k Combofiend (MagSentCapCom) vs Joe Reyna (2W StormSentCapCom)
* Pools: 12l Combofiend (2W MagSentCapCom) vs Preppy (MagCableTron) OW
* Pools: 12m Ray (RogueStormTron) vs Combofiend (2W MagSentCapCom)
* Pools: 12n Joe E (MSP) vs Combofiend (2W MagSentCapcom)
* Pools: 12o Big Beef (MagSentIronMan) vs Combofiend (W MagSentCapCom)
* Pools: 12p Ryan H (MST) vs Combofiend (2W MagSentCapCom)
* Pools: 12q xxx (CykeCableTron) vs Combofiend (W MagSentCapcom)
* Pools: 13a Carlos (RubyxxxDoom) vs Combofiend (2W MagSentCapCom)
* Pools: 13b Joe (MagCableSent) vs Vinnyman (2W SentStormCapcom)
* Pools: 13c Armageddon (CableDoomCyke) vs Vinnyman (2W SentStormCapcom)
* Pools: 13d Jonathan (W SSCable) vs Vinnyman (2W SentStormCapcom)
* Pools: 13e Alex (SentStormCapCom) vs Vinnyman (2W SentStormCapCom)
* Pools: 13g Alex (MagIronManSent) vs Vinnyman (2W SentStormCapCom)
* Pools: 15i xxx (SentCableCammy) vs Chris (W RogueCableTron) nice tron
* Pools: 16b Irvin (CykeSntIM, SntCabCyk) vs Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron)
* Pools: 16c Matrix (W SentCableCyke) vs Big Beef (JuggsTronDoom)
* Pools: 16d Natureboy (W MSDoom) vs Power-Dn (2W MSP) comeback
* Pools: 16e Tone (W MSS) vs Liston (2W MagCableSent)
* Pools: 16f Matrix (SentxxxCapCom) vs Ruin (2W SentStormCapCom) good
* Pools: 16g X (2W StormSentCable) vs Rugal (W CableSentCapCom) epic
* Pools: 16h Joe Reyna (2W StormSentCapCom) vs Duwane (MagIMSent)
* Pools: 16i Skisonic (2W MSS) vs Chill_Effect (IceManStormSent)
* Pools: 16j Skisonic (MSS,MSP) vs Vinnyman (2W MSS)
* Pools: 16k Alan (CableSentCammy) vs Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron)
* Pools: 16l Magneto-X (2W MSS) vs Liston (MagCableSent)
* Pools: 16m Dakota (SpiralSentCapCom) vs Wigfall (2W MagCableSent)
* Pools: 16n Isaac Graham (2W MSP) vs PowerDn (MSP) comeback
* Pools: 17a Ruin (2W SentStormCapCom) vs Rick (JuggsCableTron)
CvS2 Final 16 (formerly DVD-only, published with permission)
* DVD CvS2 Final 16 footage: 14i CvS2 Ricky Ortiz (2W A) vs Combofiend (W A)
* DVD CvS2 Final 16 footage: 14j CvS2 Otaku (K) vs Buktooth (2W N)
* DVD CvS2 Final 16 footage: 15a CvS2 Combofiend (2W A) vs BAS (A)
* DVD CvS2 Final 16 footage: 15b CvS2 Combofiend (2W A) vs Buktooth (N)
* DVD CvS2 Final 16 footage: 15c CvS2 Kindevu (2W A) vs Ricky Ortiz (W A)
* DVD CvS2 Final 16 footage: 15d CvS2 LF Combofiend (W A) vs Ricky Ortiz (2W A)
* DVD CvS2 Final 16 footage: 15e CvS2 Kindevu (2W A) vs Ricky Ortiz (A)
* DVD footage CvS2 Finals: Bas vs Otaku
MvC2 Final 16 (formerly DVD-only, published with permission)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 13h Skimitar (2W CableSentCyke) vs Ruin- (SentStormCapcom)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 13i Joe R (StormSentCapCom) vs Isaac G (2W MSP)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 13k Jummpeee (2W RogueCableCapCom) vs Wigfall (W MSP)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 13l Ivan R (SentCablexxx) vs Ruin- (2W SentStormCapCom)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 13m Nestor (W MSP) vs Magneto-X (2W MSP)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 13n Nestor (2W MSCyke,MSS) vs Vinnyman (W SentStormCapcom)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 13o Sanford (W MSS) vs Jummpeee (RogueCableCapcom)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 13p JWong (2W MSP) vs Magneto-X (MSP)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 14a Nestor (W SentStormCapCom) vs Jummpeee (2W RogueCableCapCom)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 14b Power-Dn (SentStormCapCom) vs Combofiend (2W MagSentCapCom)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 14c Isaac G (2W MSP) vs Combofiend (MagSentxxx)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 14d Ruin- (W StormSentCapCom) vs Combofiend (2W MagSentCapCom)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 14e Wigfall (MSP) vs Ricky Ortiz (2W MSP)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 14f Magneto-X (W MSP) vs Ricky Ortiz (W MSP)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 14g Power-Dn (W SentStormCapCom) vs Joe R (2W SentStormCapCom)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 14h Skimitar (W CableSentCyke) vs Joe R (2W StormSentCyke)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 17b Combofiend (MagSentCapCom) vs Jummpeee (2W RogueCableCapCom)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 17c Magneto-X (W MSP) vs Joe Reyna (2W StormSentCapCom)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 17d Isaac Graham (MSP) vs Sanford (2W StormSentCable)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 17e JWong (2W MagCableSent) vs X (W StormSentCapCom)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 17f Joe Reyna (2W SentStormCapCom) vs Isaac Graham (W MSP)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 17g Joe Reyna (W SentStormCapCom) vs Jummpeee (RogueCableCapCom)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 17h WF JWong (2W MSP) vs Sanford (SentCableMag)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 17i LF Joe Reyna (SentStormCapCom) vs Sanford (2W SentStormCapCom)
* DVD MvC2 Final 16 footage: 17j GF JWong (3W MSP) vs Sanford (SSCapCom, MSP)

Texas Showdown 6.

* The 2006 Texas Showdown 6 DVD trailer. The DVD is no longer available, and as such the footage is generally included below and marked "DVD footage".

* Hotel Casual: 2a Preppy (2W Tron) vs xxx (W SSCammy,OmegaDoomJuggs)
* Hotel Casual: 2b Preppy (2W MCT,CabSentZang) vs Danny (SentMagIM)
* Hotel Casual: 2c Preppy (2W CableSentSilSam) vs Ali (SSIM,MSP)
* Hotel Casual: 2d Preppy (SST) vs Josh Wigfall (2W MST,MCS)
* Hotel Casual: 2e Power-Dn (MSP) vs Josh Wigfall (2W SentCableMag)
* Hotel Casual: 2f Isaac (W MST,MSC) vs Josh Wigfall (2W SSCyke,CableSentCyke)
* Hotel Casual: 2g Liston (W MSS) vs Josh Wigfall (2W MSS)
* Hotel Casual: 2h DSP (2W MagSentTron) vs Josh Wigfall (MSS)
* Hotel Casual: 2i DSP (MagSentTron) vs Jummpeee (2W CableCykeCapCom)
* Hotel Casual: 2j Power-Dn (2W SSCapCom) vs Jummpeee (W CCT,RCykeTron)
* Hotel Casual: 3a Power-Dn (MSP) vs Isaac (W Team David Blaine) mintiest
* Hotel Casual: 3b Liston (W SSCable) vs Isaac (2W MST,MSP)
* Hotel Casual: 3c Josh Wigfall (2W MSP) vs Isaac (MSP)
* Hotel Casual: 3d Isaac (2W Team David Blaine) vs DSP (SSCyke,MagSentTron)
* Hotel Casual: 3e 20 dollar MM Isaac (MSP) vs Josh Wigfall (5W MSP)
* Hotel Casual: 3f Jummpee (W RogueCykeTron) vs Josh Wigfall (2W MSP) comeback
* Hotel Casual: 3g Preppy (2W ChunCableTron) vs Josh Wigfall (MSP)
* Hotel Casual: 3h Preppy (MCT,CCCT) vs Liston (2W MagCableSent) bad sound
* Hotel Casual: 3i DSP (MagCableTron,SSCapCom) vs Liston (2W MagCableSent)
* Hotel Casual: 3j Jummpeee (2W RogueCykeCapCom) vs Liston (MagCableSent)
* Hotel Casual: 3k MM Jummpeee (Team Shoto) vs Preppy (2W Team Shoto)
* Hotel Casual: 4a 5 dollar MM Carnevil (SSCapCom) vs Liston (2W MSS)
* Hotel Casual: 4b MM Carnevil (2W MSP) vs Preppy (ChunCableTron)
* Hotel Casual: 4c MM Carnevil (SSCyke) vs Liston (W MSS) hot combo
* Hotel Casual: 4d MM Carnevil (W SSCapCom) vs Jummpeee (RogueCykeCapCom)
* Hotel Casual: 4e MM DPS (2W MagBBTron) vs Preppy (W ChunStormTron)
* Hotel Casual: 4f SECRET MM 20 bucks Isaac (3W MSP) vs Josh Wigfall (4W MSP)
* Hotel Casual: 4g Carney (W SSCapCom) vs Josh Wigfall (2W MSP)
* Hotel Casual: 4h MM Carney (W 3xCapCom) vs DSP (2W JuggCabZang,MagBBTron)
* Hotel Casual: 4i DSP (W MagSentTron) vs Josh Wigfall (2W MSP) minty
* Pools: 5b MM Josh (3W MSP) vs Vegita-X (RogueStormTron)
* DVD pool footage: 5a MM 10 dollars Josh (3W MSS) vs Ruin- (2W SentStormCapCom)
* DVD pool footage: 5c Isaac (2W MSP) vs Toan (W MSP)
* Pools: 5d Toan (2W MSS) vs Ranma (MegamanCableTron)
* Pools: 5e Toan (2W MSSpidey,MSP) vs KOD (W SentCabMag,StormSentCyke) offscreen glitch
* Pools: 5f Ranma (W MegamanCableTron) vs Rudy (MagCableSent)
* Pools: 5g Ranma (MegamanCableTron) vs Isaac (2W MSS)
* Pools: 5h Ranma (W MMCabTron) vs Remel (2W MMCabSent,TronSS)
* Pools: 5i Ranma (2W MMCableTron) vs KOD (W CykeSentIM,CykeSentCable)
* Pools: 5j Ranma (W MegamanCableSent) vs Abraham (SentStormTron)
* Pools: 6a Ranma (W MMJuggTron,MMBBHoodTron) vs Andrew (W CammyMMPsy)
* Pools: 6b Ranma (2W MegamanCableTron) vs Preppy (MegamanCableTron) This is always a messed up match-up... I think we're now 1-1 against each other. I'll get him back next time. =)
* Pools: 6c Hustlin (MSS) vs Combofiend (2W StormIMSent)
* Pools: 6d Pi (RogueStormTron) vs Combofiend (2W StormIMSent)
* Pools: 6e Chad (MSS) vs Combofiend (2W StormIMSent)
* Pools: 6f Rick (MST) vs Combofiend (W StormIMSent)
* DVD pool footage: 6g Carney (SentStormCapCom) vs Combofiend (2W StormIMSent)
* DVD pool footage: 6h Tinh (MSP) vs Combofiend (2W StormIMSent)
* Pools: 6i DSP (W SentStormCyke) vs Alex Valle (MagSentCable) The Old School Veteran Classic.
* Pools: 66j Isaac (2W MSP) vs Joaquin (StormSentCapCom) minty
* Pools: 6k Isaac (W MSP) vs KOD (CykeSentIronMan)
* Pools: 6l Garvin (SentStormCapCom) vs Vinnyman (2W MagCableSent)
* Pools: 6m Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron) vs Vinnyman (W MagCableSent).wmv
* Pools: 6n Chill_Effect (IcemanStormSent) vs Vinnyman (W MagCableSent)
* Pools: 6o JustinJ (StormSentCapCom) vs Vinnyman (W MagCableSent)
* Pools: 6q Joe R (2W MagCableSent) vs Tony H (MagCableSent)
* Pools: 6r DSP (2W SentStormCapCom) vs Buckethead (MagIronmanSent) This is kind of an impressive win by DSP.
* Pools: 6s Kakkarotte (MSS) vs Vinnyman (W MagCableSent)
* DVD pool footage: 7a Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron) vs Garvin (SentStormCyke)
* Pools: 7b Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron) vs JustinX (SentStormCapCom)
* Pools: 7c Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron) vs Chill_Effect (MagIronManSent)
* Pools: 7d Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron) vs Kelly Diaz
* DVD pool footage: 7e Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron) vs Eric Lopez (W MSS) great
* Pools: 7f Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron) vs Rudy (CSCyke,SSCyke) nice
* DVD pool footage: 7g Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron) vs Ian (W StormSentCammy) great
* Pools: 7h Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron) vs Kakkorotte (MSP)
* Pools: 7i Ed Ma (MagRogueCable) vs Jummpee (2W RogueCableCapCom)
* Pools: 7j MagnetoX (2W MSS) vs Jummpee (RogueCableCapCom,RCTron)
* Pools: 7k Ed Ma (MagRogueCable) vs MagnetoX (2W MSS)
* Pools: 7l Ed Ma (W MagRogueCable) vs Brandon (W StormSentCable)
* Pools: 7m Chill_Effect (IcemanStormSent) vs Kakkarotte (W MagCableSent)
* Pools: 7n FlashMetroid (SentStormCapCom) vs Dan (W StormSentCapCom)
* Pools: 7o Flash Metroid (W MagIMSent,MSS) vs Liston (2W MagCableSent)
* Pools: 7p Ruin- (2W SentStormCapCom) vs Timothy (MSS)
* Pools: 8a ruin- (2W SentStormCapCom) vs Nestor (W MSP,MSCyke)
* Pools: 8b ruin- (2W StormSentCapCom) vs LiquidZero (JillCableTron)
* Pools: 8c ruin- (2W SentStormCapCom) vs Evan (MSS,SSCyke)
* Pools: 8d ruin- (W SentStormCapCom) vs Marvel_ous One (StormSentIronMan)
* Pools: 8e Liston (MSS) vs Power-Dn (2W StormSentCapCom)
* Pools: 8f Nestor (2W MSP,SentStormIM) vs Tim (W MagIMPsy,MSCyke)
Final 16
* Final 16: 9a Josh Wigfall (2W MSP) vs Rudy (MagCableSent)
* Final 16: 9b Magneto-X (2W MSS) vs Liston (MSS)
* Final 16: 9c Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron) vs DSP (W SSCyke) great
* Final 16: 9d Carnevil (SSCC,SSCyke) vs Combofiend (2W StormIronManSent)
* Final 16: 9e Joe R (2W SSCC) vs Skimitar (SSCyke,CableSentCyke)
* Final 16: 9f Isaac Graham (2W MSP) vs Vinnyman (W MagCableSent)
* Final 16: 9g Nestor (SentMagIM,SSCyke) vs Jummppeee (2W RogueCableCapCom)
* Final 16: 9h Jumpppeee (RogueCableCapCom) vs Josh Wigfall (2W MSP)
* Final 16: 9i Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron) vs Combofiend (2W StormIMSent)
* Final 16: 9j Isaac Graham (2W MSP) vs Joe Reyna (W MSP)
* Final 16: 10a Carnevil (2W CableSentCapCom) vs DSP (SentStormCapCom)
* Final 16: 10b Power-DN (StormSentCapCom) vs ruin- (2W StormSentCapCom)
* Final 16: 10c Magneto-X (2W MSS) vs ruin- (W StormSentCapCom)
* Final 16: 10d Nestor (2W MSS) vs Rudy (MagCableSent)
* Final 16: 10e Nestor (MSS,SSCyke) vs Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron)
* Final 16: 10f Carnevil (2W SentStormCapCom) vs Jummpee (RogueCableCapCom)
* Final 16: 10g Power-DN (2W StormSentCapCom) vs Liston (MagCableSent,MSS)
* Final 16: 10h Power-DN (StormSentCapCom) vs Joe Reyna (2W StormSentCapCom)
* Final 16: 10i Skimitar (W MSS,CSCyke) vs Vinnyman (2W MCS,SentCableCC)
* Final 16: 10j ruin- (2W StormSentCapCom) vs Vinnyman (W SCCC,MCS)
(Final 8 footage now hosted with permission)
* DVD Final 8 footage: 11a Carney (W SSCapCom) vs ruin- (2W SSCapCom)
* DVD Final 8 footage: 11b Joe R (W SSCapCom) vs Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron)
* DVD Final 8 footage: 11c Magneto-X (MSS) vs Josh Wigfall (2W MSP)
* DVD Final 8 footage: 11d Isaac (2W MST) vs Combofiend (StormIronManSent)
* DVD Final 8 footage: 11e Combofiend (2W SSIronMan) vs ruin- (W SSCapCom) great
* DVD Final 8 footage: 11f Magneto-X (2W MSS) vs Vegita-X (RogueStormTron)
* DVD Final 8 footage: 11g Magneto-X (W MSS) vs Combofiend (2W SSIronMan)
* DVD Final 8 footage: 11h Isaac (2W MSP) vs Josh Wigfall (W MSP)
* DVD Final 8 footage: 11i Josh Wigfall (2W MST) vs Combofiend (SSIronMan)
* DVD Final 8 footage: 11j Josh Wigfall (MSP) vs Isaac (MSP)

* Max_85(MSP)vsBig Beef(TeamZ)
* Skimitar vs. Carnevil casual (1 of 2)
* Southwest Regionals 2004-11-20: 1a 1of2 Joe Reyna(SentStormCap) vs MagnetoX(W MSP)
* Southwest Regionals 2004-11-20: 1a 2of2 Joe Reyna(SentStormCap) vs MagnetoX(W MSP)
* Southwest Regionals 2004-11-20: 1b 1of2 Skimitar(W CableSentCyke) vs Carnevil(CableSentCap)
* Southwest Regionals 2004-11-20: 1b 2of2 Skimitar(W CableSentCyke) vs Carnevil(StormSentCap)
* Southwest Regionals 2004-11-20: 1c 1of3 Duane(MagIMSent) vs Andjita(W SentStormCap)
* Southwest Regionals 2004-11-20: 1c 2of3 Duane(W MagIMSent) vs Andjita (SentStormCap)
* Southwest Regionals 2004-11-20: 1c 3of3 Duane(W MagIMSent) vs Andjita (SentStormCap)
* Southwest Regionals 2004-11-20: 1d 1of3 Ivan R(CableSentCap) vs Carnevil(W CableSentCap)
* Southwest Regionals 2004-11-20: 1d 2of3 Ivan R(W StormSentCap) vs Carnevil (Cable SentCap)
* Southwest Regionals 2004-11-20: 1d 3of3 Ivan R(W StormSentCap) vs Carnevil (SentCableCap)
* Magneto X vs Duan_1 2 These require the SHARP G.723 codec. =(
* Magneto X vs Duan_1
* Patrick vs PMD 1
* Patrick vs PMD 2
* TrashDayBatch1
* TrashDayBatch2 Finals Magneto-X vs Duan
* TrashDayBatch3 Magneto-X vs Duan