MARVEL SUPER-HEROES VS STREET FIGHTER CHARACTER GUIDE KEY: F: Tap joystick towards opponent B: Tap joystick away from opponent U: Tap joystick up D: Tap joystick down QCF: D,DF,F HCF: B,DB,D,DF,F QCB: B,DB,D QCB: F,DF,D,DB,B DP: F,D,DF RDP: B,D,DB P: Any punch button K: Any kick button 2K: Two punch buttons pushed at the same time 2P: Two kick buttons pushed at the same time 3K: Three punch buttons pushed at the same time 3P: Three kick buttons pushed at the same time +: Used to indicate the second move must be performed in conjunction with the first move ,: Used to indicate the second move should immediately follow the first move Charge: Joystick should be held in the given direction for ~2 seconds Triangle Jump: Jump into wall and then press joystick away ******************************************************************* AKUMA: LAUNCHER: D+FP TEAM SUPER: Super Fireball VARIABLE COUNTER: Dragon Punch MOVES: Overhead Punch: F+MP Hop Kick: F+MK Fireball: QCF+P (air) Hurricane Kick: QCB+K (air) Dragon Punch: DP+P Chopping Down Kick: QCF+K (air only) Ashura Warp: DP or RDP+3K or 3P SUPER FIREBALL: QCF+2P (air) SUPER FIREBALL: QCB+2P SUPER DRAGON PUNCH: DP+2P INSTANT HELL MURDER: LP,LP,F,LK,FP (unblockable) (3 levels) ARMORED SPIDER-MAN: TO SELECT: Hold down + Start on Ryu for 5 sec., then press Jab+Fierce LAUNCHER: MP or D+HK TEAM SUPER: Crawler Assault VARIABLE COUNTER: Spider Sting TRIANGLE JUMP AIR FORWARD DASH MOVES: Web Ball: QCF+P (air) Web Throw: QCB+P Web Swing: QCB+K (air) Spider Sting: DP+P,P MAXIMUM SPIDER: QCF+2P (air) CRAWLER ASSAULT: QCF+2K BISON (VEGA): LAUNCHER: HP TEAM SUPER: Psycho Crusher VARIABLE COUNTER: MOVES: Psycho Shot: HCF+P Psycho Grenade: HCB+P Leg Press: QCF+K Flight: QCB+3K Teleport: DP+P or K Head Stomp: charge D,U+K, hit again with direction+P PSYCHO CRUSHER: QCF+2P LEG PRESS NIGHTMARE: QCF+2K BLACKHEART: LAUNCHER: MP TEAM SUPER: Armageddon VARIABLE COUNTER: MOVES: Dark Lightning: HCF+P Dark Inferno: HCB+P ARMAGEDDON: QCF+2P JUDGEMENT DAY: QCB+2P JUDGEMENT DAY: QCF+2P (air only) HEART OF DARKNESS: QCF+2K CAPTAIN AMERICA: DOUBLE JUMP LAUNCHER: D+FP TEAM SUPER WHEN STARTING: Hyper Stars And Stripes TEAM SUPER WHEN ASSISTING: Hyper Charging Stars VARIABLE COUNTER: Stars and Stripes MOVES: Shield Slash: QCF+P (air) Stars and Stripes: DP+P Charging Star: QCF+K Cartwheel: HCB+P FINAL JUSTICE: QCF+2P HYPER STARS AND STRIPES: DP+2P HYPER CHARGING STAR: QCF+2K CHUN LI: LAUNCHER: FK AIR DASH TRIPLE JUMP TEAM SUPER: Kikosho VARIABLE COUNTER: Kioken MOVES: Mini-Kikosi: F+HP Hop Kick: DF+K Kioken: HCF+P Lightning Kick: Tap K (air) Rising Bird Kick: DP+K Split Kick: QCB+K KIKOSHO: QCF+2P (tap P+K of same strength rapidly for extra hits) THOUSAND BURST KICK: QCF+2K (tap P+K of same strength rapidly for extra hits) SUPER BIRD KICK: QCB+2K CYCLOPS: LAUNCHER: MP TEAM SUPER: Mega Optic Blast VARIABLE COUNTER: Optic Blast DOUBLE JUMP MOVES: Optic Burst: HP Optic Blast: QCF+P (air) Optic Sweep: QCB+P Gene Splice: DP+P (tap P rapidly for extra hits) Cyclone Kick: QCB+K Neckbreaker Throw: charge B,F+K Rapid Punch: charge B,F+P (tap LP rapidly for extra hits) MEGA OPTIC BLAST: QCF+2P OPTIC ARRAY: QCB+2P (air) DAN: LAUNCHER: D+FP TEAM SUPER: Super Fireball VARIABLE COUNTER: Fireball AIR TAUNT MOVES: Fireball: QCF+P Dan Rising Punch: DP+P Autograph: QCF+K Dan Kick: QCB+K Rolling Taunt: QCF+Start or QCB+Start SUPER FIREBALL: QCF+2P SUPER DRAGON PUNCH: QCF+2K VACUUM KICK SUPER: QCB+2K SUPER TAUNT: QCF,QCF+START INSTANT DAN MURDER: HP,LK,hold back,LP,LP (3 levels) DHALSIM: LAUNCHER: MP TEAM SUPER: Yoga Inferno VARIABLE COUNTER: Yoga Flame MOVES: Yoga Fire: QCF+P (air) Yoga Flame: HCB+P Yoga Blast: HCB+K Yoga Teleport: DP+2P or 2K Yoga Drill: D+K (air only) Yoga Mummy: D+HP (air only) Flight: QCB+2K (again to cancel) YOGA INFERNO: QCF+2P (air) YOGA STRIKE: QCF+2P EVIL SAKURA: TO SELECT: Hold right + Start on Hulk for 5 sec., then press Jab+Fierce LAUNCHER: D+HP TEAM SUPER: Super Fireball VARIABLE COUNTER: MOVES: Charging Dragon Punch: DP+P (air) Fireball: QCF+P (air) Hurricane Kick: QCB+K (air) Warp: DP or RDP+3P or 3K SUPER FIREBALL: QCF+2P SAKURA BEAT-DOWN : DP+2P SUPER HURRICANE: QCB+2P INSTANT HELL MURDER: LP,LP,hold towards,LK,HP (3 levels, unblockable) HULK: LAUNCHER: D+FP TEAM SUPER: Gamma Wave VARIABLE COUNTER: Gamma Charge MOVES: Gamma Toss: QCF+P Gamma Tornado: QCB+P Gamma Charge: Charge B,F+K (redirect with direction+K) Rising Gamma Charge: Charge D,U+K (redirect with direction+K) GAMMA WAVE: QCF+2P GAMMA CRUSH: QCB+2P KEN: LAUNCHER: D+FP TEAM SUPER: Super Dragon Punch VARIABLE COUNTER: Dragon Punch MOVES: Overhead Kick: F+MK Fireball: QCF+P (air) Hurricane Kick: QCB+K (air) Dragon Punch: DP+P (air) SHO-RYU-REPPA: QCF+2P VACUUM DRAGON PUNCH: QCF+2K SHIPPU-JINRAI-KYAKU: QCB+2K MEGA ZANGIEF: TO SELECT: Hold down + Start on Blackheart for 5 sec., then press Jab+Fierce LAUNCHER: D+MP TEAM SUPER IF STARTING: Double Final Atomic Buster TEAM SUPER IF ASSISTING: Spinning Lariat VARIABLE COUNTER: Spinning Lariat MOVES: Body Press: D+HP (air only) Knee Press: D+MK (air) Elbow Drop: F+MP (air) Headbutt: U+MP (air only) Spinning Lariat: 3P Short Lariat: 3K Siberian Blast: QCF+P Spinning Pile Driver: 270+P (air) Siberian Bear Crusher: HCF+K (far) Siberian Suplex: HCF+K (close) Air Grab: DP+K FINAL ATOMIC BUSTER: 270+2P SIBERIAN BLIZZARD: 270+2K MEPHISTO: TO SELECT: Hold down + Start on Omega Red for 5 sec., then press Jab+Fierce LAUNCHER: MP TEAM SUPER: Armageddon VARIABLE COUNTER: MOVES: Dark Lightning: HCF+P Dark Inferno: HCB+P ARMAGEDDON: QCF+2P JUDGEMENT DAY: QCB+2P JUDGEMENT DAY: QCF+2P (air only) HEART OF DARKNESS: QCF+2K NORIMARO: TO SELECT: LAUNCHER: HK TEAM SUPER: Hyper Strong Miracle Treasure VARIABLE COUNTER: MOVES: Fireball: QCF+P (air) Dragon Punch: DP+P Flailing Dash: QCF+K HYPER STRONG MIRACLE TREASURE: QCF+2P ULTRA GRAND CHAMPION JUMP: DP+2P ULTRA VARIETY PRIVATE MEMORY: QCF+2K OMEGA RED: LAUNCHER: MP TEAM SUPER: Omega Destroyer VARIABLE COUNTER: Omega Strike MOVES: Carbonadium Coil QCF+P, tap P/K or HCF,DF,D (air) Carbonadium Coil QCF+K, tap P/K or HCF,DF,D (air only) Omega Strike QCF+K, (B+K/D+P) OMEGA DESTROYER QCF+2P CARBNADIUM SMASH QCF+2P (air only) RYU: LAUNCHER: D+HP TEAM SUPER: Shinkuu Hadouken VARIABLE COUNTER: Fireball MOVES: Hop Kick: F+MK Overhead Punch: F+MP Fireball: QCF+P (air) Hurricane Kick: QCB+K (air) Dragon Punch: DP+P SUPER FIREBALL: QCF+2P (air) SUPER VACUUM HURRICANE: QCB+2K SUPER DRAGON PUNCH: DP+2P SAKURA: LAUNCHER: D+HP TEAM SUPER: Super Fireball VARIABLE COUNTER: Charging Dragon Punch MOVES: Charging Dragon Punch: QCF+P (air) Fireball: QCB+P (air) Hurricane Kick: QCB+K (air) SAKURA BEAT-DOWN : QCF+2P SUPER FIREBALL: QCB+2P SUPER HURRICANE: QCB+2K SHADOW CHARLIE (NASH): TO SELECT: Hold up + Start on Dhalsim for 5 sec., then press Jab+Fierce LAUNCHER: D+HP TEAM SUPER: Super Somersault VARIABLE COUNTER: MOVES: Sonic Boom: charge B,F+P Flash Kick: charge D,U+K Blade Slice: U,UF,F+K (air only) SONIC BREAK: QCF+2P CROSS SHADOW BLITZ: QCF+2K SOMERSAULT JUSTICE: QCB+2K FINAL MISSION: charge B,F,B,F+2P (level 3, blockable) SHUMA-GORATH: LAUNCHER: MP TEAM SUPER: Mystic Roll (only done in Team Super) VARIABLE COUNTER: Mystic Smash MOVES: Mystic Stare: charge B,F+P Mystic Smash: charge B,F+K (air) Mystic Slam: HCB+K Stone Drop: D+MK Regeneration: F+Forward/RH (close)(air) DOUBLE SHUMA: QCF+2K CHAOS DIMENSION: QCF+2P, then P to grab (level 3 only, unblockable) SPIDER-MAN: LAUNCHER: MP or D+HK TEAM SUPER: Crawler Assault VARIABLE COUNTER: Spider Sting TRIANGLE JUMP AIR FORWARD DASH MOVES: Web Ball: QCF+P (air) Web Throw: QCB+P Web Swing: QCB+K (air) Spider Sting: DP+P,P MAXIMUM SPIDER: QCF+2P (air) CRAWLER ASSAULT: QCF+2K US AGENT: TO SELECT: Hold up + Start on Bison for 5 sec., then press Jab+Fierce DOUBLE JUMP LAUNCHER: D+FP TEAM SUPER WHEN STARTING: Hyper Stars And Stripes TEAM SUPER WHEN ASSISTING: Hyper Charging Stars VARIABLE COUNTER: Stars and Stripes MOVES: Shield Slash: QCF+P (air) Stars and Stripes: DP+P Charging Star: QCF+K Cartwheel: HCB+P FINAL JUSTICE: QCF+2P HYPER STARS AND STRIPES: DP+2P HYPER CHARGING STAR: QCF+2K WOLVERINE: LAUNCHER: HK TEAM SUPER: Berserker Barrage X VARIABLE COUNTER: Berserker Barrage TRIANGLE JUMP: Jump into wall and then press joystick away MOVES: Berserker Barrage: QCF+P (tap P rapidly for more hits) Tornado Claw: DP+P Drill Claw: (any direction)+LK+MP (air) Air Dive: D+MK (air only) BERSERKER BARRAGE X: QCF+2P ADMANTIUM RAGE: QCB+2P WEAPON X: DP+2P FATAL CLAW: DP+2K (air) ZANGIEF: LAUNCHER: D+MP TEAM SUPER IF STARTING: Double Final Atomic Buster TEAM SUPER IF ASSISTING: Spinning Lariat VARIABLE COUNTER: Spinning Lariat MOVES: Body Press: D+HP (air only) Knee Press: D+MK (air) Elbow Drop: F+MP (air) Headbutt: U+MP (air only) Spinning Lariat: 3P (air) Short Lariat: 3K (air) Banishing Punch: DP+P Spinning Pile Driver: 270+P (air) Siberian Bear Crusher: HCF+K (far) Siberian Suplex: HCF+K (close) Air Grab: DP+K FINAL ATOMIC BUSTER: 270+2P ==CREDITS== This FAQ has no affiliation with Capcom whatsoever. The Capcom characters are trademarks of Capcom. The Marvel characters are trademarks of Marvel Comics.