Combo Video
This was my first combo video that I made once I started making clips with a programmable controller. I'm 50/50 when it comes to this video. I'm happy about certain elements, and I'm disappointed in others. I decided to keep it up on the page because of what it represents. The biggest thing I learned from this experience was that I enjoyed exploring situational setups more than traditional combos. It gave me an idea of which kinds of ideas to explore and try to develop into elaborate situations.
Dimensions: 720x480
Duration: ~ 4 minutes
File Size: 276 megabytes
Codec Used: MPG1 ~8700 kb/s
Container: MPG
Date of Completion 10/11/06
MvC2 Combo Video
This video showed me that I really enjoy making situational combos/other probably more so than regular combos.
Cable-Iron Man - The two character bug was used in order to help Cable perform his FSD Mid-Screen.
- Magneto v Akuma w/ Cammy - The main idea of the clip is to show that the Raging Demon doesn't trigger the opponent to block once the super flash is activated. Therefore Akuma was able to instantly DHC into Iron Man's super which, if the opponent isn't already blocking before the DHC, is unblockable.
- Juggernaut v Magneto - Magneto counters into Cable right before the last hit of Juggernaut's Headcrush hits. This causes Juggernaut's last hit to trade with the Scimitar's first hit. The result is that both characters fly up into the air and since the Scimitar doesn't knock down, Juggernaut is able to follow up.
- Amingo v Doom - DHCing into another DHC right before a projectile makes contact causes the projectile to hit the opponent as the main character is leaving the screen. That allowed Sentinel's super to connect.
- Doom w/ Spiral v Morrigan w/ Dan - Doom uses Spiral's assist to keep Morrigan in blockstun while he SJGC's his 2HK to build meter.
- Sentinel v Megaman - Omega Red's presence on-screen causes a bug in Sentinel's air throw.
- Strider v Juggernaut - The Head Crush was unblockable since Strider was FSD-Dashing on-screen and could not block.
- Psylocke v Dhalsim - Dhalsim's special air recovery occurs as soon as he is no longer in hitstun.
- Magneto v Juggernaut - Tech hits were used to put Juggernaut in normal jump mode. That allowed him to call an assist as he was falling down.
- Shuma-Gorath v Cable - This clip showed Shuma-Gorath's throw mashed to its fullest potential.
- Storm v Storm - This clip was meant to show how large Storm's air throw range is.
- Cyclops v Colossus - Cyclops uses Doom's rocks for Assist FSD. The FSD-Dash allows Cyclops to follow up. Also, since Doom was no longer on-screen during the time his rocks hit, they caused upward Y-Boost. That allowed Cyclops to combo a 236+HP.
- Spiral v Sentinel - The standing infinite that Spiral can do while she is in speed-up mode was interesting to me at the time; as was the relaunch combo.
- Amingo v Magneto - Amingo's 3HP's hitbox is at the top of his limb. It was strange to see that certain characters could crouch underneath.
- Sentinel w/ Storm v Sentinel - The two character bug was used to get rid of flying screen. Storm cannot be moved unless the character is on the ground which allowed Sentinel to do so many HKs at the beginning of the combo. Jin's assist was used to bring Sentinel closer so that he could follow up. Finally, upward Y-Boost was given to the Hyper-Sentinel Force by super-canceling Sentinel's jump.
- Spiral v Cable - Spiral's throw is mashed to its fullest potential.
- Servbot v Juggernaut - The infinite was shown in Meikyousisui11 for a very small amount of time. I thought it was interesting, so I presented it again.
- Storm w/ Juggernaut v Captain Commando - The 2-Character bug was used in this combo. Juggernaut's Headcrush was used to bring back Captain Commando while Flying Screen was active. The tag freeze was due to the Head Crush that was done at the start of the combo.
- Anakaris w/Akuma v Hulk - Anakaris comboed Hulk during the start-up of his Gamma Crush; which also allowed him to SJGC. The combo meter stayed active until Hulk touched the ground after being hit by the air-236+K. The screen-lock was due to the Gamma Crush whiffing. That allowed Anakaris to combo his super twice. The last hit did not connect because some attacks only hit the opponent if they are visible on-screen.
- Ruby w/ Magneto v Juggernaut - Ruby Heart's Snapback and super flashes allowed Magneto to combo certain attacks that would not connect otherwise.
- Cable-Bison-Sentinel v Colossus - The DHC sequence causes Bison to stay stuck on-screen.
Thanks to - MikeZ (Anakaris-Hulk idea) & Preppy for hosting the video!
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